a person holding a book in their hand fie Bible urs and © d Dingsay San pout Dino _nosaurs live a li the Biby ions hen din 4 Wteray ’ Six b ic Quest about W! Mil, a iat nillions F yean bee O88 afer by be so WFO g acy, even * before a ane Howeg ientists d for accut "hich ‘ an ats sc eco Ory uri Ctake . “8tiveg 2d Mes so ea clean F dat germ the “The pre- oon *eNesis ot an ’ as coil exactly hav! scoffe ractices- _ Flange, sp be ao Splic nguj yf Hey «dont & ries ag ae medical p' four elements Sp cis, 7 € ; ist ‘01 : Sime ‘i Ks Slice g dq: ther 5 Seat © at, $e poy cence successtu hat only xperiments ‘or °MeS Useg 4 Nd dicg op thoy, alg hy fist basis for ce held Rigorous exp es of Xa » disco eve IY juasy © ene, ace’ ng Oy ull! an hi cientists On! 1 materials. Me evealed scor T six y d TING the Ii Nuch Ou, Sop tlie ee ng $ rise all mat doctrine © f elements. my “Y and ong I da of, Mis Me of eo iio? er-—-comP! e this doctn'! table of cles € h ents. 4 Sjeeti,e esrd eek 4 ‘tion Crag, Bt ateg sing ue and line & antes the periodic «ace scientists ar Me dq, Son Speci; ied Ses of Ihe, fp, alts BE e willi nized in d sinc ks 9 for neh bag ann od by chose Wh! ly organizec ast, an 1 to h OF thos Fen oy fy ned familiarly in the p < im ot ow wrong . lly mall aes nd ye 200705 OY jes have been ng. inanimate thar th fi "ad ¢ ough of eG, “th ht majonit can still be wro ¢ the idea that HH con- a nderming th nesig Sie ople, they ientists accep use each cel id see Me fr, : Orks o, Sha Mise aulible p any secular sci sng cellphone, But beca building what trusted wom sin ang clfshnes. ihe the Cross ‘ for eagles veto the first ining blueprints art ight plastic, en On re : i ro SaUrS and o, imal Savio, These COmprop, Peed of ny thy chemicals on coded apenas natural processes . What mo- gooey! ed Omises ving libraries 0} ike claiming thai al computer. aCCord; deca oe 2m th cans il is like clai eisoti 5g? Whatever s Cripe SSIS Io, a eds, this i the first p ario? enna 5 i le h " seat nvad the kd Ade ie ML metal together to fo bh an improbable ae lab bench ‘a © Fea, On 85, aN to suc ions earned h pe, ; e Log I 2 resule of sl arists to adhere i ds no affirmat ” Penal, ied ates secul ident idea fin 800d ation wh. e ay thar Marr, as pay Ur sin, i use, this life-by-accide: 3 Ve e 4 cause, Aesh,: €nesis sy dinos tC vegeraby ae 7 ot once fe: - riments. °2CTifice on, TOMIsCS ena e the f “len POC anima ope hs d the Mistry ang How Secularism Worl ; iracles, Its adherents dis aeeived n inking rejects mi ; s Jesus co! bh ly, §00d SClenCe dog. ot d, Acits core, secular think : ay in space and time. Was J ah 'DtO the cp, ation ace, Nt, nor do, & TWe squeene billions notion of God working uniqui nd the very ¢; acter of Ge Folk t force 4S to doube the Bible CNtific videnc, 8iVe us o fidence thar G at carbon lines of Cr all. Bur ; is I Od gor His h cb: by God's H. 2 Wi vining the relevant history, s ly Spirit? Without even examining i's Holy Spirit? ? Impossible, q Flood cover the entire sphere es 25 quote ltt say no. Did ig . ot allow a divine foot an . f an atheist book.’ a sears ape ean from his favorable aeahar Nozke Flood an scientist Richa: . estions Wirh- . ism’s anti-Bible bias leads to sugg e Fertile Crescent. * How Contd Mosy Scien ticy, Be Wrong? autem’ a regions, like the Back Sea oF she of science, ones = _ After share ¢ WO scientific evidences for "cent dinosaur depos. out the Possibility cot. 2 comes to dinosaurs, secular ¢ wide es ie i" Radiocarbon tmets—the second question my hes cine sas We 8 for the literal days of creation. authority of Sclentists, Eicher the Word of od Almig; ty is dead Wrong about a thousands-of years-old Cosmos, or Secular Scientists are dead Wrong abour millions of years. The evidence in this small book Monstrate inherit- eyes, perhaps M tendists:see'dhe world ea Esih, Scientific cul- lost scient ? or pro 5 ‘. arents an: der culture 2 . ive from their p: he broade ing this eee ecularism even more strongly than St ture may affirm. i 67
a person holding a book in their hand fie Bible urs and © d Dingsay San pout Dino _nosaurs live a li the Biby ions hen din 4 Wteray ’ Six b ic Quest about W! Mil, a iat nillions F yean bee O88 afer by be so WFO g acy, even * before a ane Howeg ientists d for accut "hich ‘ an ats sc eco Ory uri Ctake . “8tiveg 2d Mes so ea clean F dat germ the “The pre- oon *eNesis ot an ’ as coil exactly hav! scoffe ractices- _ Flange, sp be ao Splic nguj yf Hey «dont & ries ag ae medical p' four elements Sp cis, 7 € ; ist ‘01 : Sime ‘i Ks Slice g dq: ther 5 Seat © at, $e poy cence successtu hat only xperiments ‘or °MeS Useg 4 Nd dicg op thoy, alg hy fist basis for ce held Rigorous exp es of Xa » disco eve IY juasy © ene, ace’ ng Oy ull! an hi cientists On! 1 materials. Me evealed scor T six y d TING the Ii Nuch Ou, Sop tlie ee ng $ rise all mat doctrine © f elements. my “Y and ong I da of, Mis Me of eo iio? er-—-comP! e this doctn'! table of cles € h ents. 4 Sjeeti,e esrd eek 4 ‘tion Crag, Bt ateg sing ue and line & antes the periodic «ace scientists ar Me dq, Son Speci; ied Ses of Ihe, fp, alts BE e willi nized in d sinc ks 9 for neh bag ann od by chose Wh! ly organizec ast, an 1 to h OF thos Fen oy fy ned familiarly in the p < im ot ow wrong . lly mall aes nd ye 200705 OY jes have been ng. inanimate thar th fi "ad ¢ ough of eG, “th ht majonit can still be wro ¢ the idea that HH con- a nderming th nesig Sie ople, they ientists accep use each cel id see Me fr, : Orks o, Sha Mise aulible p any secular sci sng cellphone, But beca building what trusted wom sin ang clfshnes. ihe the Cross ‘ for eagles veto the first ining blueprints art ight plastic, en On re : i ro SaUrS and o, imal Savio, These COmprop, Peed of ny thy chemicals on coded apenas natural processes . What mo- gooey! ed Omises ving libraries 0} ike claiming thai al computer. aCCord; deca oe 2m th cans il is like clai eisoti 5g? Whatever s Cripe SSIS Io, a eds, this i the first p ario? enna 5 i le h " seat nvad the kd Ade ie ML metal together to fo bh an improbable ae lab bench ‘a © Fea, On 85, aN to suc ions earned h pe, ; e Log I 2 resule of sl arists to adhere i ds no affirmat ” Penal, ied ates secul ident idea fin 800d ation wh. e ay thar Marr, as pay Ur sin, i use, this life-by-accide: 3 Ve e 4 cause, Aesh,: €nesis sy dinos tC vegeraby ae 7 ot once fe: - riments. °2CTifice on, TOMIsCS ena e the f “len POC anima ope hs d the Mistry ang How Secularism Worl ; iracles, Its adherents dis aeeived n inking rejects mi ; s Jesus co! bh ly, §00d SClenCe dog. ot d, Acits core, secular think : ay in space and time. Was J ah 'DtO the cp, ation ace, Nt, nor do, & TWe squeene billions notion of God working uniqui nd the very ¢; acter of Ge Folk t force 4S to doube the Bible CNtific videnc, 8iVe us o fidence thar G at carbon lines of Cr all. Bur ; is I Od gor His h cb: by God's H. 2 Wi vining the relevant history, s ly Spirit? Without even examining i's Holy Spirit? ? Impossible, q Flood cover the entire sphere es 25 quote ltt say no. Did ig . ot allow a divine foot an . f an atheist book.’ a sears ape ean from his favorable aeahar Nozke Flood an scientist Richa: . estions Wirh- . ism’s anti-Bible bias leads to sugg e Fertile Crescent. * How Contd Mosy Scien ticy, Be Wrong? autem’ a regions, like the Back Sea oF she of science, ones = _ After share ¢ WO scientific evidences for "cent dinosaur depos. out the Possibility cot. 2 comes to dinosaurs, secular ¢ wide es ie i" Radiocarbon tmets—the second question my hes cine sas We 8 for the literal days of creation. authority of Sclentists, Eicher the Word of od Almig; ty is dead Wrong about a thousands-of years-old Cosmos, or Secular Scientists are dead Wrong abour millions of years. The evidence in this small book Monstrate inherit- eyes, perhaps M tendists:see'dhe world ea Esih, Scientific cul- lost scient ? or pro 5 ‘. arents an: der culture 2 . ive from their p: he broade ing this eee ecularism even more strongly than St ture may affirm. i 67
a hand holding a book in front of a book shelf BRIAN THOMAS
a hand holding a book in front of a book shelf BRIAN THOMAS
a screenshot of a man with a beard and a beard 02:02 9 Fe & € Post ménde Shai Mishali = t Follow] ‘eos Ofreak4pc After this long week, had to give a heads up to this awesome lad. Awesome finally meeting in person, to many more @A WY @MattHeaney23 17:32 - 14/06/2024 From Earth - 2.5K Views 1 Quote 12 Likes O td g A & 0} Connor @ WWDC @ @Jchammonc_- 4d Great meeting you! Hope to meet up again in the future ©) Q 01 ih 135 N & Sap Edon @edonkosaurus- 4d Post your reply M Q a aA 8
a screenshot of a man with a beard and a beard 02:02 9 Fe & € Post ménde Shai Mishali = t Follow] ‘eos Ofreak4pc After this long week, had to give a heads up to this awesome lad. Awesome finally meeting in person, to many more @A WY @MattHeaney23 17:32 - 14/06/2024 From Earth - 2.5K Views 1 Quote 12 Likes O td g A & 0} Connor @ WWDC @ @Jchammonc_- 4d Great meeting you! Hope to meet up again in the future ©) Q 01 ih 135 N & Sap Edon @edonkosaurus- 4d Post your reply M Q a aA 8
Updated 2025-02-20