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Chibi Yume

April 28, 2003

Justin = small furry animal in headlights

Made a nice long post, which the computer promptly crashed over. So, there we go.

Forget what the content in it was, primarily due to finding this interview which Justin did with Kiss a few days ago. Here's a transcript of it, basically the interviewer asks many inappropriate questions causing Justin to lose it completely and call him a bitch. The station was flooded with calls and emails and the interviewer's now suspended.

Here's a recent picture of Justin with a cow, just because.

Bah, I'm aching like... a very achy (achish? achery?) thing. wah!

And curses upon Mr Burrows, because that seems to be the current "in" meme right now, and eru knows I'm all about following the crowd. (That was sarcasm, I am pain right now. Do not question me, I do not have a gun, but I do have several very sharp pencils and this movie has shown me what I can do with them.)

*skips off singing "stabby-stabby-stabby"*

at 06:50 PM

April 27, 2003

No mail, no friends and Colin singing J-LO

Well, for most of this week I haven't been able to access my site (therein my mail) or any of the sites I normally frequent. Including LJ. I was, what some (ok, Luke) might call utterly fucked.

I do however have in my possession a tape containing a Mr Colin Farrell singing "Jenny From The Block". (Which ties in wonderful with googles latest Colin tidbit of "Farrell wants rock glory" and the news he once auditioned for Boyzone.)

Wednesday (after I'd stayed up 'till 3am to make sure the tape recorded) I spent 6 hours transcripting the whole of Colin on the David Letterman show. I, uh, kept forgetting to write down what he was saying and staring at his mouth instead. heh.

I'll put the transcript up somewhere at some point (now I can upload to my site!) but for now I have approx. 374764178124781278 emails and 7891812498124781247812478431 LJ posts to catch up on.


at 03:11 PM

April 17, 2003

He *cried*!

Saw the Phone Booth today as this picture had been mocking me. (That's just a random picture from a photoshoot btw, not from the movie!)

I had been expecting the worst film ever, and was pleasantly suprised. It is definitely the best bad movie I have ever seen. Colin was excellent in it. As was Kiefer Sutherland, the voice of the sniper.

I believe I shall go see it again, if only to squee with Poppy.

at 08:15 PM

April 15, 2003

Have you had sex with Colin Farrell yet?!

I swear I cannot remember what I did today, or yesterday, or the day before that. I have a feeling it may have something to do with this devil box here, but then again it may have something to do with Colin.

I blame both parties, perhaps linked in some way I cannot fathom right now.

Oh, and cannot help but feel that magazines such as this are taunting me.

at 05:59 PM

April 12, 2003

The Recruit = good. Go see now.

Saw The Recruit last night. I'm going to try getting through this post without lapsing into some kind of teenie fit, or cursing Britney.

....After 5 rewrites I have decided that the above is impossible so have resorted to posting to my LJ. (Under the girls-only friendslock, sorry guys ^_~)

For the record: omewtfbbqcolinhasthehawtessassevarlol!!!!!!!11

Am now dreading the release of The Phone Booth. It's been horribly reviewed (each review strangely saying "Yes, it's set in a phone booth, but the swirling camera angles don't make it feel like that" which I would have thought was obvious from the trailer, but never mind) although each has praised Colins acting. What iced the cake on The Recruit I fear will only prolong the amount of time I watch TPB.

Ah well, there's still Alexander The Great to look forward too. *dies*

at 01:13 PM

April 01, 2003

Gurl p0w3rz!

Today a guy I slapped for grabbing my ass, got a det for doing same in swimming.

at 04:33 PM

February 27, 2003


More picspam. Hawt ones are here, ones which aren't quite so but are still cute are behind the cut.

I believe Luke was asking for this....

Caaaaars. Dude. Caaars.


The Stare

The Stare²

Orli hair. Le squee.





Tongue! Look, see, tongue!



Did I mention I can't breath?



Stalker you say?

The curls have little flicks. Little flicks!


Red Bull!

The hands man

I [heart] this photoshoot

Yup, our boy's flexible.

He doesn't though, does he?


at 07:20 PM

February 24, 2003


Ranked in order of liking (best at bottom, because, heh. Note to self: shutup, shutup)

Izzi'll like this

Be scared

Michael Jackson? That's a big glove to fill.

hee, jcrotch


this = need more of

::scrolls down::


::Huggiehughughug squish::

Yes it's Justin spam. Because he's hot. No I don't care about that. No I'm not going to tell you what "that" is.

Because I am wench. Yes.

at 06:34 PM

February 20, 2003


Saw Justin on the Brit awards today, that was nice. Twas a good performance. In one of the J17 quizzes Poppy and I did one of the questions (Which would you rather do?) encluded the answers a) Be escorted by Elijah Wood to the oscars b) Get front row tickets to a Justin concert, and I was all 'damn woman, why you gonna make me choose?'. I chose Lij in the end, because you'd get to touch him. heh.

Parents' reluctance to let their daughters take risks begins early. A 1999 study by researchers at the University of Guelph in Ontario found that when parents taught their preschoolers to slide down a firehouse pole, they held on to their daughters two-thirds of the time — without being asked. But fewer than a fifth of boys were offered a hand.

Somebody should show that article to any of the uk teen mags, bunch of 'Gurl Powerz!' on one page and denouncing sport on the next. I aim to live outside their boundaries and am confident that The Outift shall do that wonderfully.

The outfit which is my Tyler. Only (as I said to Luke) not so hawt.

at 11:00 PM

February 19, 2003


Went up to London (although as AB2 did point out it is "technically" down to London, YOU CAN'T CHANGE ME, I SHALL LIVE FOREVER BWHHAHAHAAA) today.

Bought some more accessories for The Outfit O' Wench which I should really stop doing seeing as I have very little money and should stop wasting it on such silly things as clothing. Ah well, I'll just have to wear the outfit everywhere, hee.

Long story short I got my bag stolen and bought myself some new (!Sparkly!Red!) shoes to make myself feel better. With the shoes I'm *really* afraid to wear this outfit in daylight public but I do love them very, very much. (They were marked down from £50 to £25 in Top Shop, they were practically begging me to buy them!)

Guys don't read this:

I totally need to get red, silky panties now.


at 08:04 PM

January 14, 2003

And so it begins

The Letter

I've never seen the HP fandom so panic stricken. In fact, I haven't seen such an uproar in a fandom since that time someone showed that manip of Merry n' Pippin, n' some sweet, sweet hobbit luvin' to Dom and Billy.

Nick came back from Swede-land yesterday (yay!) which was nice, lots of snow there, apparently.

And now for heated thoughts, so those of delicate constitutions look away..... now

Fandom_wank is suspended. I know that one site, very much like f_w was run on MT and got it's RSS feed to LJ suspended by the support team too.

Now I love fandom_wank, like a brother. Like that little bit of fanfic which makes you laugh and cry and read 50 times and print out and go to sleep hugging. Only more so. F_w was my home for snark, for mocking, for pointing and mocking. I met so many friends there, I placated so many ruffled friends. Sure we mocked, but only in fun. Fandom's fucking funny people!

Ok, so there's no heated language in here. I blame being 'well spoken', in my head I'm really going 'Fuck those fucking fuckers, they can't silence us. Why can't they just leave us happily to mock, the wankers. Fuck them all.'

Technically, an LJ can be suspended immediately because of: Denial of Service attacks, account breakins, and journals created solely to abuse. I'm guessing that f_w would fall into the last catagory.

I feel so adrift now, f_w was my home. My little slice of snark. It was the one place that I could point, and say 'Oh look, there's someone fighting over whether Draco should ride a Nimbus or a Firebolt in xyz fic' or 'lookee, this person is homophobic, hee.'


at 10:00 PM

December 09, 2002

Dude I wanna read this

Charity. Fans. Book Five. Get a Clue. Find out about Harry Potter's Next Book and support charity!

9 days.

at 08:03 PM

December 04, 2002

Harry Hair

I don't know what to say. I really don't.

Except I dislike this sentence: Student Marie, 19, from Ashford, Middlesex, is a Harry Potter nut who has already seen the new movie FIVE times.

Stupid freakish newspapers trying to make everyone out as freaks, I've only seen it two less times than that *glares*

at 09:53 PM

December 03, 2002

gingerbread lattes are full of christmas goodness

The whole Harry Potter/Lotr thing is so funny. One user getting all indignant on Lotrs behalf and saying about how people say that 'The Fellowship of the Ring copied the cave troll from The Sorcerer's Stone' and then 'Lord of the Rings copied off Harry Potter in the first movie, I wonder what Two Towers will be like. Will it copy the big spider or something?'

Then I was just like, well actually, there is a large spider of TT. I just crack myself up.

To anyone who says that the Lotr movies are a copy of Harry Potter (after I've come back from the hospital with my ribs fixed) I point them to that poem of Tolkiens whose first line is 'He battled with the Dumbledors'. Apparently a Dumbledor is a bumble bee (in Tolkienese). Nuff said really.

at 06:07 PM

November 28, 2002

[ mood :: third person-y! ]

This entry will be written entirely in third person because Hnk is watching Tom Felton and Christian Coulson in a live webstreaming thingymabob! Whenever Hnk sees these people she becomes super slaphappy and gets giggly and keeps thinking that she is in Harry Potter. ^^; It's a very silly feeling, but she can't help it.

Hnk thinks Christian plays Tom Riddle very well what with the sexy snake speak and doing very good Bosie (from Wilde) impressions. He is however, mean to little Harry, and is also the soon-to-be Dark Lord of All. So he is not perfect.

Tom has said he does not think that he is a heart throb and has no-one squeeing about him. Hnk thinks this as in invitation to stalk follow him around with cookie baskets full of love.

Hnk is confused. Tom is asked whether he has seen any sites dedicated to him and he says 'No, I haven't really seen any, I'll have to look into that'. Hnk wonders where he has been looking and whether he confused the internet with 'aol' who are sure to squash anything remotely useful/fun out of the internet.

EEEEEEP Tom's hair is spiky and blond. Hnk is very, very happy.

Hnk doesn't know whether she can watch any more, Tom is talking about hair gel. The interview is too wonderful for her.

That is it, Hnk is dead. She has found out Billy Boyd will be the next one to do an interview here.

at 06:16 PM

November 23, 2002

Macbean rocks my world

Macbeth was good. I think I actually preferred 12th Night (in the Shakespearean sense) becauase I understood the characters alot more, and what was going on an' all. Of course this was better because it had Sean Bean in it.

Sean was great. He is however, a complete slut (he kissed four women in that, four!), was hissing the whole way through the bed scene. Bah. Samantha was good, I guess. It's the Arwen thing all over again. Ah well, she dies. All is well.

Oh yes, and he had his shirt off for 3 scenes. Could see his tattoos (squee) which was great. I want his crown. And that shirt. And those glasses. Because all together (+ Sean) they.... yeah. Nice.

*random thoughts*

We were wandering around London before the play and came across an Aussi/Kewi shop which I made persuaded everyone to go in. When we where in there I remembered some Aussis squeeing about 'Tim Tams' so Elvea and I bought one together.

Talking of buying things together, at lunch, Elvea and I got exactly the same things. At different times. WE BE ONE!

*/random thoughts*

What music there was in it I found great, some of the singing they had reminded me of the elves so much. The first song (sung by the weird sisters) is from an Anglo Saxon poem called "The Wanderer". Some of the sound effects that they had, you could only tell were there if you listened closely, and were carried out seamlessly. The scene changes were much the same and I was v. impressed by the speed and fluency of which of they were carried in/out under the cover of dimmed lights.

I heart Sean, especially Sean in leather. Even if he is surrounded by foxy witches half the time.


at 09:39 PM

November 19, 2002

Dear Justin,

I adore the 'Like I Love You' video on MTV. Keep looking like Orli and you will go far in my heart. Especially with that cute little smile/nose-wrinkle thing *goes off into fangurly squeels*



ps. Love you too sweety.

at 06:16 PM

October 10, 2002

u know how obsessed aboout things i can become and im so scared i might get like that about elijah and do something stupid like decide 2 devote my whole life 2 him

Thinking back today I was wondering. When did it happen? When did we stop talking about GW. When did we stop playing Petz. When, oh when did we become Lotr furikus? If I really wanted I guess I could trawl through my old blog entries, but they just tell the facts, not the reasons.

I suppose it must have happened gradually, we went to see the film for my birthday, 3 of us had seen it before. All of us liked it. I had read the books. Elvea went and read the books. We all quite liked the guys.

We went to see it again. Went through a few websites. was a goldmine. Livejournal I had only touched upon, not realising what it was. Quickly dismissing it.

Note: After writing that decided to thoroughly research this subject as I am now v. interested in our obsessional Lotr history.

Looking through the archives of my blog, I can see that in late Jan. I posted something which mentioned far too many people hogging the screen in The Faculty. Now I recall, that (maybe?) my friends came round for my birthday (Thurs) to watch the Faculty, and we went to see Lotr the next week as my birthday weekend I went to my aunts (shopping, squee!). I also recall now that I had been wanting a Lotr poster for some time before that, but that shopping weekend was my first chance to get one. That was Jan 13. Orli's birthday.

Very soon afterwards (around the 20th) I mention that I had read some hilarious spoof diaries of Lotr, namely the VSD's. Also about seeing the hobbits, Orli and Liv on TRL.

Just gently scrolling through I can see things like lots and lots of Lij pictures, talks with people about how crazy for Lotr we are and things like (I cannot believe it was 7 months ago) me telling 'Faith' it was too a bush. By March 25th Izzi had an LJ. (I remember the convincing I had to do to get her not to have her username as 'Poppy', which means that nickname was around.)

Now I've gone a-searching, the first time that 'Poppy' is mentioned is early february and Elvea is late february. Kym is mentioned late Jan, but that was a carryover from GW.

More scrolling and I see squeeage about the TT trailer, fanfic reviews, me gradually loving Orli, getting those TT posters, Franka, Mary-sues, that large cluster of Mary-sueites who seem to have taken up permenant residence in my my Figwit post, the Gap ad, some tuely beautiful Viggo quotes, finally joining the Rings Thing, Orli lots of Orli, DVD excitement, that fanfic and quite a few icons.

Looking through our emails (of which there are alot) I see Izzi worrying about becoming obsessed with Lij (hee.) lots of talk about when next we will see the movie and alot of talk about the Viggo soundbite ^_^

All in all I can only conclude that once we saw the movie that was it. We were hooked. Never even thought to look back, never thought there was any other way. I see no gradual change, no small steps into obsession. Just Lotr furikus all the way. And that makes me very, very happy.

at 09:17 PM

September 29, 2002

Icon Mania!

I've been rather busy this weekend. I have no idea what started it. Maybe the voices. Maybe them. I made just one, but then I saw all the cool images I have on my HD. I tried to resist. I did. Little did I know it was already too late.

Anyways, now I have lots of icons. About 6 of which I haven't made this weekend. (The 3 you've seen on my blog and the 3 GW ones I made for my UJ).

Here's one of my favs, this is for you silly elf:

at 08:26 PM

I love the 6 places game

Managed to get parents to buy AI last night off pay-per-view.

Dad: So, who's Orli in this?
Me: Why do you think everything in my life is about guys? I'm not that shallow. *pouts*
Ned: It's Jude, Dad.
Me: *shifty look*

Jude was wonderful. And lookee I can link to him!

My Uncle (interviewed)
Billy Connelly (on comic relief)
Graham Norton (on Graham Norton)
Orli (in Wilde)
Jude (in AI)
Frances O'Connor (in Bedazzled)
Brendan Fraser

Ok so I know that's more than 7 places, but I was just hopping around happily. I can link to them! *does a happy dance (tm)*

AI was based on a short story Supertoys last all summer, which I'd actually read a few years ago and really liked. I'm reading a load more books that have been turned into films before they were films now. Am becoming more cultured, go me!

AI was good, well the start of it was. The movie changed pace twice, the first time was good (JUDE!) but then it went seriously wierd. It could've been like Minority Report, but it wasn't, it went wierd and all *spooky voice* 'look what could happen to us, BEWARE'! Jude was great as a sexy!lovebot (when MAY heard about she said: 'We can make guys like that in the future? Go us!') and he had this super cute dance moves and he was really sweet and I'd better stop talking now....

at 11:32 AM

September 28, 2002

*stamps foot*

I want American movie channels!

They have, like 20 LOTR actors movie on every night (encluding LOTR) and a load of movies that I want/need to see such as Wilde. Especially Wilde. Only Wilde. Forget LOTR.

Am seriously considering buying it off Amazon as can find it no-where else. Dangnabbit.

I am so scared that Orli n' Heath are gonna look like Jude does in the RtP, and from what I can see from the pictures, they will.

What is the use, I ask you, what? Of having two amazingly cute, talented actors working on a film together and making them look like that? Maybe I'll just listen to it with my eyes closed. Enjoy the accents. Beards=Bad. You saw Brad!

In other news: judejudejudejudejudejudejudejudejudejude judejudejudejudejudejudejudejudejude judejudejudejude (Should I find it worrying that I managed to type that all @ once without making a single mistake?)

at 01:16 AM

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