if (!isset($id)) { srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $randval = rand(); setcookie("id",$randval,time()+126144000,"/",".http://www.nedrichards.com/hnk",0); } ?>
Today Izzi and I decided it has been the 4th for 3 days. That will teach me not to blog and therein completely lose track of what the date is.
at 04:43 PM
Feel like such a bad friend, couldn't remember Izzis email addy so spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to find it, first in personal emails and then on her site.
Took about 15 minutes, all for some sodding Danial Radcliffe pic which the fandom was going orgasmic over. (Tis a good one, mmyup.)
Have been looking up some things about kittehs! online, nothing I didn't know (although am unsure of how I acquired the knowledge, perhaps aliens.) but got to squee over cute kitty pics.
at 09:32 PM
I suspect this to be the type of thing Nick would do.
Bush/Blair vid. Amusing in a scaryfunnyscary twisted way.
at 08:06 PM
I'm not quite sure why Yahoo are showing this ad (saved in full, no, it doesn't actually go anywhere. Even if you shoot the clown. 60 times. Yes, I tried.) But it's scaring the heck outta me. *hides*
at 08:05 PM
Had to explain what "Kisama" meant to AB2 after I shouted it at him, and looking on google found this cute little (v. short) fic explaining why Wufei says it so much.
War stuffage for today: You know the world has changed when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, France is lecturing us on being arrogant, and Germany doesn't want to go to war.
at 04:51 PM
atkatkwaht.OH.MY.GAAAD. he talked to me. conan christopher o`brien talked to me. i had made a shirt that said conan is magically delicious, with a picture of conan surrounded by hearts on it. so i`m second row, center, like, just about on conans LAP. and he comes up stairs and he`s THISCLOSE to me and i`m just kinda like humminah humminah humminah y`know?
Suddenly remembered why I shouldn't play with the "random" button on LJ. (Sends you to a random LJ.)
Oh yes, and in case you haven't seen it: The Ultimate Crazy PR Theory. Because tA and I have too much time on our hands.
Those with LJs may also want to check out the new LJ look which is currently in beta right now. It's strangely reminiscent of the new layout Frimlin was making for the CC and very spiffy. (The blueness?)
ps. AB2 rawkz. *squidgeglomphug*
at 07:13 PM
4 years of LJ. w00t!
This picture is amusing until you realise that that man has the power to wipe out the Earth. Um, yeah.
The VSD of George Bush, not really that funny (come on, Cassies aren't even that good any more) but decided it should be Bush Bashing Day.
*bishes, just to be different*
at 06:16 PM
There is something inherently frightening about watching 257 pieces of junk mail fill up your inbox. Including the always ironic "Say goodbye to junk emails and protect your inbox".
Save me.... from swedish furniture.
Made a new icon today. Not a big thing but it's kinda funny so.
Just in case you don't remember him.
at 07:18 PM
It seems like every english actor alive ('cept Orli) was in this.
(Random thought of the day.)
Am tired. Ohsotired. Keep making silly typos. Um, yeah. Cheese.
*neurotically* teeheehee.
Oh yes, Dad made pancakes. He flipped all of them and didn't drop or mess up one. I was all: youaretehcool!!1
at 09:56 PM
Did I mention Dom's tongue should be outlawed?
Have now become Kazaa God (seriously, you reach '1000' points, you are GOD) and downloads are practically falling into my lap. Most enjoyable *hugs the TT for giving her lots of points from people downloading it from her*
Playing around with the teeny translator again and did the dictionary deffinition of 'sexual' (click the more button to see what it can out as...)
at 05:26 PM
So, I'm back!
Devon's nice, I personally prefer Cornwall, it's softer. In responce to Barry's question, I have no idea where it was we stayed, but here's the hotels homepage so.... Instow?
The hotel was nice, last night at dinner, Emily some of my cousins and I judged and rated the young couples who were dining there. The couples kept shooting us nasty looks and I entirely blame Blind Date (which Em and I had just been watching) for it all.
Oh yes, and on our tables they had little UK and American flags, which was cute (our American relatives had come over) but kinda o_O.
My dear Great-Grandfather recieved about 106 cards, as well as letters from the Archbishop and the manager of Arsenal (the football team he has supported since 1920). The card from the Queen was most amusing as it had specific instructions on the back of the envelope that the card had to be delivered by the first post of that day and get a signed receipt and the post office had to call a number to show that the card had been recieved and had been delivered or a the palace would launch an enquiry about it. It also mentioned the card could be left without a receipt signed at the door, unless the house appeared derelict.
Out of the 106 cards he got (yeah we counted, we got bored ok?) 52 of them were actually store made '100th Birthday' cards, with only 13 of them repeated (2 of the cards were actually repeated 4 times!) Why are there 43 different '100th Birthday' cards? I mean, how many people do you know who've reached 100? There can't be that much of a market, surely.
We got loads of photos taken with professional photographers so maybe they'll go up soon.
I hope you guys (in England, not you tA, you've had enough) had fun with the snow and that none of your cats got stuck in it ^_^
at 07:13 PM
This picture is from an article about OpenOffice.org in one of the Linux zines. It's Barry, 15 years on and a yuppie.
The best Mark Ferguson (Gil Galad) website around 'Up To The Mark' has just opened. (Tine made me say that). Mark co-hosted Ring Con along with Craig Parker (Haldir) earlier this year and is friends with Karl, so respect, yes. I would mention he's been in Xena but... what Kewi actor hasn't?
'Cos of the snow I couldn't get into Watford today, so I stayed home and watched Justin Timberlake. It's his birthday today (also Nick Carters....) so MTV have kinda gone wild and are full of the JT lovin' so I'm happy.
The amount of marketing that accompanies boybands is overwhelming, and I must press the button and listen to our new BSB wall hanging sing to me repeatedly. ~Marythefan
Dude I want that. For the (fandom) wank factor alone. Shutup, yo.
I'm going to be away this weekend as it is my Great-Grandfathers 100th birthday party (his birthday was on Wednesday actually). The whole of our family are going down to Devon, that's right in the South-West of England for my continental friends, for the weekend for this huge party thing, whoo! So I'll talk to you guys in a few days *hugsnuggles*
ps. Scroll down to the fifth one o_O.
at 11:05 AM
Timothy Spall is going to be Peter Pettigrew in Prisoner of Azkaban!
Happiness = P + (5xE) + (3xH) I scored 84. Go me.
at 07:56 PM
at 11:24 PM
Things have happened.
Lots of things.
Mhm yup.
For the past week or so I've been in Wales, land of sheep. And rain. Oh and don't forget the cold. Cold, yet no snow. *forces a smile* Actually, in the end there was snow, about 20 minutes before I had to leave it began to snow, which gave me just enough time to freeze my hands off opening and closing the numerous gates which enclose the farm land where my Grandmothers mountain farm is. The sheep all had this light powdering of snow on them, like suger atop fluffy, bleating, not-getting-out-of-the-darn-road muffins.
New years eve saw me sitting alone in the living room (all others had gone to bed) sipping a small amount of wine in my dressing gown and watching Jonathan Ross count down to what was most probably midnight two weeks ago. Then Dora (their newest kittycat) came and tried to attack my feet. Actually she succeeded but that is a story for another time. *mutters darkly about hospitals and claws*
I had a most bizarre incident on the way to wales. I got on the train (only a few minutes before it was leaving, kinda late) and there weren't many seats left. This is a 'Great Western Railways' train, so there are proper seats, not just sofa-type seats as on the tube (also tables). There were two old men sitting on a four (each next to the window) and as there were two seats available I asked them if anyone was sitting there. One man said yes, the other said no. I gave them a look and sat down. They both got off the train at the next station so that was ok. Well, it was bizarre for me.
Coming back from wales I seemed to startle the man who sat opposite me when I put away Sugar and quite happily read Sauron Defeated, which is bigger than The Silmarillion. I despise the perception most adults have of teenagers.
Christmas was fun, I guess. Got stuff. Encluding two calenders, one of Hello Kitty and one Tolkien one. Then managed to get another, of animals at play, as part of my birthday present from Grandma. I couldn't resist it, so cute! I'm hoping to get a fourth, a Harry Potter one. Three is not enough!
at 11:46 PM
When these two impressive individuals meet at the hors d'oeuvres table, they naturally detest each other. The anthropologist secretly reflects that whereas her four-year-old can sing the entire alphabet song, can identify six of the first ten numerals, and was clearly the most promising student in the Parent-Toddler Poetry Workshop, Mr. Payroll's little boy spends all day on the ground staring at toy-truck wheels. Mr. Payroll is thinking that whereas his little guy is so mature that he leads the class in tearless morning drop-offs, the anthropologist's girl sobs hysterically and clings to her mother's legs as if she were being abandoned to the Khmer Rouge whenever her mother tries to kiss her good-bye.
Very interesting article on elitism, which highlights the trouble with our ohsowonderful fandoms. The article is a tad long (or maybe I just have a hatred for words every since my friends list exploded into skip 100 every 12 hours, without the groups) but if you keep on going, it'll be worth it.
It got me thinking on the whole 'english american thing' again though. In an article about the web, which (ok written for an american audience) you're really addressing everyone and the fact that they do only talk about america reminded me of one wonderful post in a flamewar (about, oh I forget) who spoke in great length about american laws and upholding the 'american good name' to someone who was in fact, not american. Good times.
My head feels full of words.
at 07:19 PM
Perusing my yahoo groups (as you do) I remembered why I don't look at them more often. Note: Any message that starts with 'Re: searching ff.net' will be ignored. And then read and laughed at. And then ignored again.
Perusing google (as you do) Chibi Blog/Yume has got to #2 when searching 'hugsnkisses', yay! What disturbs me is that my ujournal is #1. o.O
Perusing hobbit geneologies (as you mostly don't) whilst waiting for darn computer to load (atleast 20 seconds *rolls eyes*), I realized there's a "Vigo" in the Took family tree. He would have been a first cousin of Bilbo's, on his mother's side. Was amused.
Perusing my memories, PARSELTONGUE!
Oh yes, and beware of the penguins.
at 05:13 PM
... when is the woman going to dump that guy on the Asda advert and run off with one of the Asda cashiers?
You just have to ask these questions.
at 11:27 PM
at 12:05 AM
Thinking back today I was wondering. When did it happen? When did we stop talking about GW. When did we stop playing Petz. When, oh when did we become Lotr furikus? If I really wanted I guess I could trawl through my old blog entries, but they just tell the facts, not the reasons.
I suppose it must have happened gradually, we went to see the film for my birthday, 3 of us had seen it before. All of us liked it. I had read the books. Elvea went and read the books. We all quite liked the guys.
We went to see it again. Went through a few websites. ff.net was a goldmine. Livejournal I had only touched upon, not realising what it was. Quickly dismissing it.
Note: After writing that decided to thoroughly research this subject as I am now v. interested in our obsessional Lotr history.
Looking through the archives of my blog, I can see that in late Jan. I posted something which mentioned far too many people hogging the screen in The Faculty. Now I recall, that (maybe?) my friends came round for my birthday (Thurs) to watch the Faculty, and we went to see Lotr the next week as my birthday weekend I went to my aunts (shopping, squee!). I also recall now that I had been wanting a Lotr poster for some time before that, but that shopping weekend was my first chance to get one. That was Jan 13. Orli's birthday.
Very soon afterwards (around the 20th) I mention that I had read some hilarious spoof diaries of Lotr, namely the VSD's. Also about seeing the hobbits, Orli and Liv on TRL.
Just gently scrolling through I can see things like lots and lots of Lij pictures, talks with people about how crazy for Lotr we are and things like (I cannot believe it was 7 months ago) me telling 'Faith' it was too a bush. By March 25th Izzi had an LJ. (I remember the convincing I had to do to get her not to have her username as 'Poppy', which means that nickname was around.)
Now I've gone a-searching, the first time that 'Poppy' is mentioned is early february and Elvea is late february. Kym is mentioned late Jan, but that was a carryover from GW.
More scrolling and I see squeeage about the TT trailer, fanfic reviews, me gradually loving Orli, getting those TT posters, Franka, Mary-sues, that large cluster of Mary-sueites who seem to have taken up permenant residence in my my Figwit post, the Gap ad, some tuely beautiful Viggo quotes, finally joining the Rings Thing, Orli lots of Orli, DVD excitement, that fanfic and quite a few icons.
Looking through our emails (of which there are alot) I see Izzi worrying about becoming obsessed with Lij (hee.) lots of talk about when next we will see the movie and alot of talk about the Viggo soundbite ^_^
All in all I can only conclude that once we saw the movie that was it. We were hooked. Never even thought to look back, never thought there was any other way. I see no gradual change, no small steps into obsession. Just Lotr furikus all the way. And that makes me very, very happy.
at 09:17 PM
Found out soemthing suprising today. The Petz community, which I thought had died out sometime this/last year is still slightly active.
Never realised it was quite so full of marysue-ites:
HAHA! I though these were REALLY funny they got me in a good mood and cracked me up for minutes! I dunno about u guys, but if ya don't laught, tells me u ain't gotta sence a humor!*laghes again and ends up rolling on he floor* ahem..anywayz i got this off of bottle-blonde.net ejoy!
*cracks up for minutes*
at 07:51 PM
I'd almost be tempted to do it, if I weren't so low on drugs as I am right now.
It looks like a really intresting and cool thing to do, but no. Just no.
at 07:01 PM
Kazaa still hasn't started. I've been waiting for 15 minutes now. It says it's loading. I do not believe it. Considering conspiracy.
In other news made 7 new icons today. 3 Guys. 1 Lotr. 1 Cutesy. 2 Misc.
I really like the misc. ones.
at 09:15 PM
Note to everyone else: Ok, so I made some more icons. The Moulin Rouge pics are too adorable not to! (And someday I hope to make it through the whole movie.) Revamped the icons page to accomodate these as even I was having problems loading it (atleast 10 seconds of loading time!) So go check out spiffy new look ^_^
at 02:21 AM
material: Maybe I should just go all out and find some pink dye. It would be fun.
o0hugsnkisses0o: I've always wanted v. short, pink hair. Stupid school regulations state that we must all have 'natural, conformist' color hair. Pink can be natural... maybe
material: LMAO! I forgot about school...sigh. Shame. Although knowing me I'd turn it green or something.
o0hugsnkisses0o:Oh! But green is natural! *gets funny looks* ... *explains slowly* All you have to do... is say that you're an Ent. *nods* Then when they disagree, threaten to hit them over the head with a hardback copy of the Silmarillion. Who can argue with that? *happy smile*
at 04:19 PM
B@zza: wot can i do now, im bored
Hugsnkisses: code a site
Hugsnkisses: *make a new page
Hugsnkisses: update your old one
Hugsnkisses: homework
Hugsnkisses: write a fanfic
Hugsnkisses: drool on LOTR
Hugsnkisses: eat a cookie
Hugsnkisses: watch TV
B@zza: i could, it last what, 3 hours
B@zza: ill be back then
Hugsnkisses: get a random obsession and find out all you can
Hugsnkisses: drool about _that_ ewan/jude pic
Hugsnkisses: get a blog
Hugsnkisses: make a friend
Hugsnkisses: join a community
Hugsnkisses: d/l a game
Hugsnkisses: d/l music
Hugsnkisses: sing
Hugsnkisses: phone a friend
B@zza: I can do that
Hugsnkisses: www.whatever-dude.com is funny
Hugsnkisses: www.wilwheaton.net also good
Hugsnkisses: www.metafilter.com v. good community blog
Hugsnkisses: www.bagendinn.com v. good LOTR site
Hugsnkisses: www.pink-fusion.rocks.it or Poppy will hurt me
at 07:13 PM
I'm sure this is spam but I can't work out why......
From: [email protected]
To: "=)hi"@mail8.easyspace.com (me?!)
My name is Lisa besany, I'm 22 years old and I just moved in to a new place and looking for friends :[
It's hard to find new friends since im new to the area. I want to chat with you, do you have
icq, msn or yahoo messanger where we can chat together ? If you have icq, msn or yahoo messanger and interested
to get to know each other little bit better email me at [email protected] and we can chat. ;-)
hope to hear from you soon...
0 0
at 08:02 PM
Despite keeping away from ff.net (and that fanfic *twitch*) managing to link my way around. For some reason found myself lost in a hord of HP fanfics but this was quite a good one:
As luck would have it, the last big push by the Death Eaters fell during the full moon. Bad luck for the Death Eaters, typical poor planning by You Know Who, and a whole lot of unleashed rage leading to hours spent rinsing out his mouth the next day for Lupin.
For some weird reason, the steady gaze made his scar itch. Not hurt, not like Voldemort used to before Harry'd melted him into a puddle of primordial porridge with a final, exceedingly irritated, cry of 'Avada Kedavra! For God's sake! Die, already!' It hadn't been the most elegant way to destroy his enemy, but damn, it had been satisfying.
at 05:20 PM
I can't believe it, Hula Hoops have stopped sponsoring Steve Threlfall. He was, like, my God, my hero. (Along with Graham Norton, Art and several small goldfish.)
I tend to drift into my own little world in the middle of conversations, this can often lead to problems. And poking.
at 09:35 PM
Another year. That scares me, alot. More than the impending GCSE's, more than the fear that my mind might have tuned to mush, more than the thought of more Haldir come Christmas time. (Although less than the thought of Viggo singing come Nov.) Ah, two LOTR references in just as many sentences of my first 'AH SCHOOL I HATE LIFE but love Orli' post, life is happy again.
I took a break from blogging because it was the holidays, the summer holidays people. Spending most of Christmas on Neopets to colect all the free gifts, fine; spend almost of all your time on The Forums leading up to and after new years night, perfectly reasonable; spend the whole of your summer glued to the screen, you're in trouble.
The break helped me to update my site (see it in all it's shining glory!), helped me clear my head and made me realise how much I use my blog, just jotting down random, silly ideas or ranting about the newst Josh Hartnett *spits* movie.
Whilst away on one of my holiday adventures I got this little thing made up! That's Tigger on the right ('cos I'm so bouncy an' wonderful) and a gecko on the left, (because.) What happens when you eat too many pies... (actually just when you angle the camera too low.)
Then just took a few random photos of me right now!
Me (I hate braces)
Me (making sure my eyes didn't fall into the heavily-lidded-look they always get, no I'm not on drugs *glares*)
Feels good to do this again. You can do what ever you want but one day you’ll know what life truly is, it’s the sour and the sweet and I know sour, which allows me to appreciate the sweet. (Pop culture reference #542)
at 11:19 PM
My message was here, now it's gone. I don't know where but here it is again: I will be back in September, taking a rest from blogging in order to catch up on all those fanfics, LJ friends, newsgroups, yahoo groups and generally just enjoy life.
Note: Ok I've finished my new site upgrade (squee) which is what I've been working on for the past few days (as you've doubtless noticed!) so it's all looking nice and spiffy ^_^ Go check out the updated!about me and updated!pics pages. *smiles happily*
at 05:27 PM
Oh so busy! Finally knuckled down to finish up my fanfics (managed to do two chapters, go me!) which took me approximately an hour to do @ which point it was going in the wee hours of the morning. Started Trillian thinking less screaming fans out for my blood, BLOOD I SAY people would be on (and there were, ha!) and I could get someone to proof read my fic. In some quirk both AB2 and Pagan-Gerbil were on and they both managed to guilt trip me into coming on Trillian today. I got mobbed.
Anyways now I have far too much work to do for friends of mine (online and off). Including getting those darn photos scanned in. One by one. Taking two minutes each. 60 of them. And then all my Romanian ones. And my offline blog from Romania.
Yes I will whine. The only thing keeping me sane right now is my large music list (which incidently takes up as much space as Elvea uses in her entire computer).
at 12:14 PM
Minority Report rocks. So much. LOTR rockage. (Of course not as good but in the catagory). More tommorrow.
Hnk go sleep now. >.<
at 11:01 PM
Hnk happy kitty.
Hnk in list of top url's for big big site.
(Note: This is a site where you submit urls to their main frame and these are posted on their main page, 5 @ a time. They go through a few hundred every day.)
Hnk go fly now. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee........
at 10:59 PM
Happy July 4th!
(The Americans make me say that)
And also: Happy Birthday to Dad! *does the funky Birthday dance(tm)*
And also: Go me! For getting up in time.
at 07:24 AM
It means what it says. Shower Shock is caffeinated soap. Soap with caffeine in it. And guess what, this caffeinated soap is even self-cleaning. Think about that for a second. Now buy some.
The caffeine is absorbed through the skin...
at 04:40 PM
Firstly, ah! I was kinda watching this film on the Disney Channel called Double Teamed. Anyways, right @ the end of it they have that awful music used in Bring it On, you know, the Spirit!Fingers one! Almost died on the spot XD
Watching Big Brother, Big Brother!Live and Big Brother's Little Brother. Tim sux. Like really, sux. He's so mean, like Jade. Don't get me started on Jade! (Although it was funny when they locked her in the Diary Room, hee hee hee). It was also kinda funny watching BBLB with half the screen showing what was going on in the BB house and then switching over to BB!L and seeing the same thing 5 seconds later *grins*
I really hate it when they cut the sound out 'cos people are swearing though. They should put a fine or something up for that because it really does make it unwatchable when live *glowers*
Although there is some kind of morbid fasination about watching Tim go round all the mirrors in the 'Rich side' combing his hair.
I really hate Jade. Funniest banner I saw when Sophie was leaving was 'Jades no Heinstein'. lol. I miss Sophie, I thought she was great. So real, and nice. And Jade was such a b
at 02:39 PM
Like the Friday 5 (see Poppy's LJ, or alternatively ned.coms blog) this is the Monday Mission 2.25 via PromoGuy.net!
I am well aware that it is not monday anymore (ooh, RT updates today ^_^) I'm just up late. Don't blame me for times mistake.
1. Do you wear glasses/contact lenses? If so would you consider going through Lasik surgery? (Or if you already have, please tell us about it) I wear both T.T Until recently I would wear glasses 17/7 now I wear my contacts most of the time, especially in school. Lasers scare me. Think James Bond.
2. Did you ever have to wear braces? How are your teeth? (any cavities, any pulled teeth, root canals, etc.) I wear braces also. Great, I'm the typicical teenager. I think I have two fillings, but I'm pretty sure they're white, so I kidna forget about them.
3. What (if any) recent movies have moved you emotionally? Which one and how so? *does the cheerleader thang* Give me an L! Give me an O! Give me a T! Give me a R! What does it spell? LOTR!!!!!! Boromirs death scene....wow. Frodo. wow.
4. Would you rather live the remainder of your golden years in a rest home, or pass away before it came to that? I wouldn't want to be kept alive by drugs or machines. Really I don't care what happens to me, God'll always be there.
5. What natural creation or phenomenon just flat-out leaves you with a sense of wonder? Orli.
.... what?
6. Have you ever been in a fist fight or a situation where you had to get physically violent with someone else? How did that come about? Any consequences? I had to practically jump on top of Elvea to get my copy of J-17 back in fencing today. I got it back. Then she stole it again. I blame Orli, and 'Lij, and 50 pages full of fab fun gossip and tips!
7. Are there any recent happenings that you wish you would have handled differently? What happened and what do you wish you'd done? First I would have brought the flamethrower, some arrows and a quiver and some sleeping gas to fencing. I would have lured Elvea away from the magazine with the arrows, followed up by the flamethrower and then thrown the sleeping gas @ her, knocking her out. I would have taken J-17 and ran out of the building and Away, laughing manically. I regret not doing this.
BONUS: How far away can you go, and still be dancing with me? Eye contact. The sexiest thing is dancing with a stranger across the room, just with eye contact.
at 12:00 AM
at 08:48 AM
Phil and Barry got DJ's. Now hopefully Barry will stop bugging me about getting him an LJ *mock glare*
Watched LOTR the cartoon version last night. I am so glad Tolkien died before it was made... Disco Frodo is funny though! (ps. Boromir wears a viking helmet and a dress, eep.)
at 08:15 PM
it took me about 2 hrs to put that together! it has given me a really good idea for a post but I'll save that.
Anyways found the 'Scrubs Page' on Brenden Frasers site. I think ti has almost every second of the episodes (though not in the right order)!
Don't forget to watch part II of the episode on Sky 1 @ 10 tonight!
at 08:18 PM
Queer View: In Deep Impact you have to marry very young. Is this something that is very far away from you?
Elijah Wood: Marriage is way far away from me. Oh yes, oh God yes, almost definitely.
Queer View: Just because Macaulay Culkin is married now...
Elijah Wood: Yes, he got married with 17. Marriage is so far off, I gotta have a lot of life to live, I've gotta have a lot of things to do. Marriage is something I want to do when I am in my 30ies.
Queer View: Do you take photographs?
Elijah Wood: I do, yes.
Queer View: On the set as well?
Elijah Wood: I just started to do that, yes. I am getting really into photography. I think as I establish that part of myself I would be able to throw it all in some precious something.
That's nice :-)
It's a llama.....
From mckellen.com
Q: You seemed to play Magneto with a great deal of nearly irrepressible affection towards Charles Xavier. So much so, that fan fiction writers on the net have written prequel/back stories which feature elements of homoerotica between the two. Was this intentional on your part?
A: The X-Men comics establish the long-standing friendship and interdependence of Xavier and Magneto, which underlay their disagreement in the first X-Men movie. As for sex, Magneto's mate is Mystique. Who knows what shape or character or gender she adopts in bed? Not me nor I suspect even Rebecca Romijn-Stamos!
Q: I was a tad disappointed by the darkness of the Magneto costume. In the next movie, will we be seeing the full glory of Magneto's purple helmet?
A: I had hoped that Magneto's medium-grey action uniform contrasted nicely with his purplish helmet. Perhaps you need to lighten the brightness control on your video player.
at 08:10 PM
It's a world of laughter
A world of tears
It's a world of hopes
And a world of fears
There's so much that we share
That it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all
There is just one moon
And one golden sun
And a smile means
Friendship to ev'ryone
Though the mountains divide
And the oceans are wide
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small, small world
at 09:06 PM
I've been very busy since I got back from France (on Wednesday) checking up on my email alone.. *twitch* Ohhh the flashbacks!
Anyways here's my fun blog code: B2 d t+ k++ s- u- f++ i++ o+ x- e+ l+ c
*grins* Well since it's half term now, I can expect about 2 people to read my blog each day but *shrugs* I'm gonna be busy too :-)
at 08:42 PM
Money does grow on trees. Go figure.
at 01:54 PM
*on AIM, both looking @ an animation of a fire*
kvschwartz: (Beavis voice) Fire! Fire!
HnK: Fires are cool. Aren't they cool? I love fire. I love how embers in the dark glare right back at you. I love how when you poke the wood, spark-rushes gush into the air, spiral out and above, and a few settle into your hair. I love that wonderful, almost uncomfortable near-simmer on your cheeks when you get your face a bit too close.
kvschwartz: Clinically, you could be termed a pyromaniac.
HnK: Yeah? I thought everyone was like that about fire. Oh, well.
kvschwartz: Well, maybe not pyromaniac. Maybe more...um... pyrophiliac.
HnK: What's the difference?
kvschwartz: Well, I just made up "pyrophiliac".
HnK: I see.
kvschwartz: "Pyrophiliac" as in, someone who loves fire. Whereas "-mania" implies... well... mania. Pyromaniacs start fires and such. They have impulse control problems.
HnK: No, but seriously: don't you just want to leap right in there? I mean, looking down on a fire, I always feel like I am staring over the edge of a cliff, and I have no choice but to jump. Don't you want to jump?
kvschwartz: Mmmmm... OK. Now that... could be termed "pyromania".
HnK: Yeah? So that's like, not good, then.
kvschwartz: Let's take a few steps backward now. That's good. Another step. No, leave the big hot burning stick where it is. There we go.
at 09:57 AM
at 10:53 PM
I'm still trying to work out whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. Ah well, I'm sure these Caffeinated Peppermints will sooth my soul.
Are you Addicted to the Internet? Hardcore Junkie (61% - 80%) While you do get a bit of sleep every night and sometimes leave the house, you spend as much time as you can online. You usually have a browser, chat clients, server consoles, and your email on auto check open at all times. Phone? What's that? You plan your social events by contacting your friends online. Just be careful you don't get a repetitive wrist injury... The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at Stvlive.com! |
at 08:23 PM
Mixed reactions to the new blog look.
I like orange.
I like Totally Spies.
I love the 60's.
If you want to see the links, highlight them or press ctrl-a if your desperate.
I like this one. It is cheery and pwetty, and different. And I have pleanty of others. So ha. ha. ha ha. MWHAHAAAAAHAAAAAAHAAAAAAA
at 08:01 PM
New Blog look. It's @ times like this when I spend an hour or two suddenly being inspired and making another look, when I wonder if I a) have inner turmoil and am unhappy with who I am which I express through the sudden switching of appearences, in a way making up for the fact I'd like to re-invent myself and my appearence or b) I get inspired and/or am mad.
I'd go with b. a looks a little too close to something I made up to sound good and/or the truth *mysterious voice* maybe it is, maybe it isn't, niiiiiiiiiiii!
at 10:37 PM
Went to a BBQ today, Mum trying to fix me up with some new girl (aged 14, yr 9, Clement Danes) whose family have apparently just started going to Alpha. Was sitting in a chair giving off 'Leave me alone' vibes, which didn't seen to be working. Have awful cold @ moment which makes speaking difficult and breathing annoying. Told everyone who tried to talk to me/involve me in team!games I was sitting there and judging them JUDGING. Think I managed to scare a good few away. Anyways, girls dad was asking me what hobbies I had, and Mum (hanging around) said I liked LOTR. Girl said she didn't, had seen the movie but didn't like it. From then on she was dead to me.
Also, guy I've been talking to quite a bit recently on YM, who saw my fun!profile and started talking to me. He's 12.
yungfrench90: i loved your pic
hugsnkissesds: which one?
yungfrench90: the one you wouldnt show me
hugsnkissesds: huh?
yungfrench90: I had to imagine you
hugsnkissesds: ok then
yungfrench90: you are beautiful
hugsnkissesds: thanx
hugsnkissesds: that's the hormones talking
yungfrench90: hormones dont talk they breed
hugsnkissesds: riiiight
I talk to farrrrr too many people like that ^.^
at 10:33 PM
New York Times mentions fictionalley! That should certainly boost their readership ^_^
at 03:23 PM
Is the general feeling in our church. I just look @ people in contempt when they express those feelings. Blind fools.
Anyways, Daniel Godbold (Daniel Radcliffs stand-in) was in church today and looking scarily like Harry (only, like cuter). Damn him going to Clement Danes.
Good thing about church #62: Cute guys. Small spaces.
Doing a puppet performance with Bethany (my puppet) and James (leader type guy) kinda deviated from the script and said (to the puppet) 'Oh I bet you like someone, who?'. Had to use all my will power to not say. Damn my puppets meddling.
at 12:31 PM
Don't care if you like it/hate it with a fiery passion not known in the modern world/don't really care. I like it. And don't worry, greater things will come *mysterious look*
Update: Put 'Hey Mickey' up. Great song. Replace all the 'Mickey's with 'Orli'. We made up a little dance for it. Fun.
at 07:45 PM
My defence is that I answerd all the questions about being obsessed about something. How the hell was I to know that they thought N*sync was being obsessive?!
at 06:51 PM
Had 92 emails waiting for me. I'm never leaving this thing again!
Oh yeah, also got v. testy. Mum found out I was doing this an congratulated me with hugging and lots of praise. Seriously. I didn't know I was that addicted/obvious! *shrugs and grins*
at 05:15 PM
Decided I won't go on the computer/net tommorrow as I really need to put in some h/w time.
See ya all in a day.....
at 07:17 AM
... so I can live through the day. Sounds dramatic. Isn't.
Ok so I'm not really talkative, I'm reading a set of slash fics ok! No leave me alone (no not for that, perv.)
at 05:50 PM
Almost everyone I am in daily contact with has PMS (I mean girls, sicko). That makes me feel so much better -.-
Reverse PMS has now gone, normal PMS back. In his wisdom Dad gave me large amounts of money and pointed me towards the sweet shop in return for going out on a walk. *munch* Chocolate (and exercise) gives you endorphins, endorphins make sure you don't shoot people, and where did we learn that perky cheerleaders?! Ok so that's only funny if you've seen a certain film (which is not LOTR....suprisingly!)
I have no sanctuary to go to now. Guess I kinda forgot to say (like YOU care) but my room's being ripped apart so I'm sleeping (and living) on the couch downstairs. In the room with the TV. NO SANCTUARY! I keep wanting things and then having to spend about 10 minutes digging through a mountain (literally, ok maybe not a mountain but a large hill, maybe a large mole hill) of stuff to find it. The builders are kinda taking off half the roof as well and they told us they were doing it the next day on Tuesday. So I spent the whole of the first evening after going back to school packing all my stuff up in boxes and hauling it down to the garage. I never really appriciated how much stuff I could jam into such a small space. I got to rip up the carpet though, that was fun!
Today my parents bascially handed me a catalogue, a diagram of how big my room was gonna be and left me alone TO SHOP! I adore shopping (what girl doesn't? BTW, still dissapointed about the lack of Gap @ Gap of Rohan. Suing still an option.) Decided my room will be purple. Well lilac. And white. Managed to wrangle a full sized mirror and swivel 'computer' chair (you know the ones you can make go up and down?) amoungst other things but parents wouldn't budge over the bann on lava lamps as my sole use of light. (Come on, you only need about 20, @ £70 each that's only about £1400, what?!)
On Friday both Faith and Kym managed to be away so I was left all on my wone. (Poppy is in different classes to us.) Managed to mingle quite well with other people but was afraid I kept twitching as I decided not to discuss LOTR (I scare people, I just can't stop once I start!) Never truely realised how completely sad Hannah's life is. (Note: Most of you don't know who Hannah is, IM me sometime or send me an email. I'm saying nothing here that can be recorded and used against me. 'cept this of course... *muses*) To be alone and to have no true friends who trust you and will always be there for you and who will never say 'I told you so' or tell you how truely awful that top looks with those trousers or manage to sound like one of those horrible chain mail emails that go through @least 50 people all of who don't use Bcc.
What was I talking about again? *shrugs and munches on some 98% solid suger snack treat*
at 09:46 PM
Nick likes to change my stuff around. As it was he despised the Candyman song that was playing. -.-
Anyways LOTR is just as good, that little clip is infact JRRT himself! *bows down to the sound clip* ah oh, ah oh, ah oh (etc.)
And yes I will change the blog title back soon. But if I did you'd have no clue to what the title of this post was about!
at 08:03 AM
Wrote this on the 30th, published only now so I don't have to think of anything to say. Well nothing except, hee hee hee I'm so evil!
Well anyways today went.... well *cough*
We got to Grandma's farm house @ around 7pm last night and basically walked round the house oohing, ate and went to bed. Around this time last year the house caught on fire, killing 2 of the 3 horses and wrecking most of the house. It's only recently that everythings been sorted out and alot of building work (though not that much on the outside of the house to my relief) has gone on. Thankfully none of the Ba-Ba books were ruined and they are as fasinating and enjoyable to read as always *happy smile*
I woke up this morning @ around 9 (having gone to sleep @ 11, I like to read ok!) and after heavy amounts of make-up stumbled downstairs to be greeted by large amounts of bacon, eggs and orange juice. After that we went around feeding the (30 odd) sheep, ooing over the lambs (more about them later) and setting fire to the large pile of wood in the back yard!
In case you didn't know it's lambing time and my sheep (Lucy) had the most adorable twins. This year they're all supposed to begin with 'E' and thankfullu I had dragged Tolkien's 'Unfinished Tales' along with me which has a fine index @ the back with all the names beggining with 'E'. One of the lambs is called Eowyn. *looks shifty* Unofficially she is called 'Meep' after my sweet little cartoon sidekick. I couldn't _not_ name one of my lambs that!
Nick thankfully has his digital camera with him so when we get back you'll see in all their glory the cutest ickle lambs being cuddled by me ^_^
I still can't get over how beautiful Wales is and not even photos can help that. I would expand on the subject but I'm afraid I may bore. Anyways Dad invited me to go jogging over the moors and foolishly I accepted. It took an hour and three quarters, we saw lots of sheep. I collapsed (gracefully I hasten to add) twice. I shall not do it again. After that I kinda did nothing exept watch little lambs (yes they do actually do!) gambolling around merrily. Can you believe it, only 3 days old and already eating grass! So adorable!
Easter tommorrow. Yummy.
at 08:39 PM
I now have 14 comic strips and am eagerly awaiting web space from keepspace.com so I can show them off ^_^
Had my braces tightened today so will be grumpy for the next 2 days until the blinding pain stops and I can eat something other than liquid food again.
Discuss is going well, despite ned.com leaving himself signed in and me nearly posting comments under his name atleast 5 times *glares meaningfully*
at 05:50 PM
Teaser for a web comic I'm making ^_^
Ok 2 teasers!
at 06:38 PM
This entry will mark the 100th post made by me (and Kym) to my blog. Sure some of them haven't been released yet, they're waiting, lurking in the misty backwaters of where-ever it is that I type this *cue mystical music* just praying for the day when it's 3am and I'm too tired to think of anything to type so I stick that in instead.
So yeah anyway !:D:)100th Post Aniversarie:):D!
You may be intrested to know that although this is the 100th post, 932 comments have been made (that's almost 10 per blog entry!) and I've only been blogging for 68 days!
I guess I talk too much or something *grins*
Since it's Easter now I'll probobly be averaging about 3 posts a day as being on the computer 24/7 tends to give you something to talk about ;-)
at 04:16 PM
Ok so first thing on a Monday morning we have games....... first thing on a Monday morning.
You know Mondays, you wake up after your wonderful exciting/relaxing/fun (etc.) weekend @ (horror of horrors) 7am, drag yourself out of the most comfortable bed there's ever been, throw on some clothes and stumble off to school/work. You want to sleep, you want to rest, you want to not think or move for the next 2 hours...... and you have games. Games in the cold and wet, games in the cold and wet and mud, games in the cold and wet and mud with sadistic teachers screaming @ you when they're all wrapped up in their nice little fur jackets.
Well thankfully we had a break from that today with the house matches, house matches for netball. I haven't played netball for a year, I kept my head down and (suprise, suprise) wasn't picked for the A or B teams. Which meant that I and Faith (and Kym and Izzi if you wanna know, but they're in different houses so they are of course, the enemy) got to play with the Tolkien Quizbook for an hour whilst stupid little people ran around chasing a mock pigs bladder.
After that we had maths, and not just any maths, mock SATs maths. I hate maths. I know all those people who are doing GCSE's, A levels and degrees don't think of SATs as a big deal, but they are, for me. Anyways after writing complete rubbish for an hour (why did they put me in the top group, WHY?!) we then had history. History was fun, I have no complaints there, let us move on.
Ok so every Monday after History we have an English 'library lesson'. This is basically where we get to read books for 35 mins (1 period) in the library instead of our English classroom. This has been a weekly tradition since year 7. But not today. Nooooooooo no today, they had to choose today to break the tradition of a life time (I never said it was my lifetime, it's the lifetime of a small possum with only 1 day left to live *sniffle*). Because we're preparing for our SATs (don't you just love Shakespeare?!) instead we had to do other stuff, other stuff not involving relaxing with a comphy (LOTR) book for half an hour to escape the drudgery of school and drift into the magical world of snooty, poncing elves and small men with hairy feet.
Then it rained @ lunch, all lunch, and the library was closed. Moving on *twitch* we had a science test, a long science test, next to 'Max' who kept copying my work. Quite amusing really, to check someones doing this you put the most stupid answer ever, work forward a few pages then sigh, go back to that question cross it out and put something else. Then wait. The copier will almost immediately do the same, works every time *grins*
Went back to Kyms house and teased Samwise (Sammy) her cat, with long pieces of string.
We were supposed to collect our french exchange @ 5:30, they were 45 minutes late, we had to wait 45 minutes @ the school. Joy of joys.
Then we had fencing, and our first test for the One Star award. We didn't know we would be having it today, then we did. But we (Faith, Kym and I) all passed YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That concludes my day. *waves a little flag*
at 10:59 PM
We're gonna go see LOTR!!!!!!! (again.......)
Good luck (not that she needs it) to Izzi @ the last night of 'Oliver' and TheAardvark in her play 'Flapper' ^_^
at 07:55 PM
"Telecom has ordered an investigation after a customer received an account charging him a "penalty for being an arrogant bastard".
Now that's just plain funny!
at 06:16 PM
I don't believe I *giggle* can explain *chortle* this with out *stifle* laughing my @ss off so just *snigger* go and see it *mumpf*
at 01:51 PM
Ways to annoy people in a supermarket *evil grin*
1. Get boxes of condoms & randomly put them in peoples trolleys when they aren't looking.
2. Set all the alarm clocks to go off at 10 minute intervals.
3. Make a trail of apple juice on the floor to the rest rooms.
4. Walk up to a store employee and tell him/her in an official tone, 'I think we have a code 3 in house wares,' and see what happens.
5. Put a box of Smarties on lay-by. (lay-away in America)
6. Move 'CAUTION WET FLOOR' signs to carpet areas.
7. Set up a tent in the sports section; tell others you'll only invite them if they bring pillows from the bedding department.
8. When someone asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask 'Why won't you people leave me alone?'
9. Look right into the security camera and use it as a mirror while you pick your nose.
10. While handling guns in the sports section, ask the clerk if the gun is sold with anti depressant prescriptions?
11. Dart around suspiciously while humming the theme from 'Mission Impossible'.
12. In the auto department practice your Madonna look using different size funnels.
13. Hide in the clothing rack and when people browse through say 'PICK ME! PICK ME!!!!!!
14. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker assume the fetal position and scream 'NO! NO! It's those voices again'.
15. Go into the fitting room and yell real loud ......'Hey we're out of toilet paper in here!'
at 03:25 PM
What the heck is she talking about? I hear you say. What I'm talking about is the dangerously addictive new game called 'Google Whacking' (unfortunately the Google Whack main page is down so you haved to do with the cached one.)
Basically the aim is using Google you search (using two words) for some-thing with only one result. These words have to be in the dictionary and can't just be a list of words like a dictionary page.
This game is suprisingly addictive, I started off just casually dropping a few words in Google, then I got my first google whack, then my second, soon I was glued to the screen and frantically punching in words. All in all I got 5 google whacks which were (in order of finding): ne're-do-well cat, keratoconjunctivitis chibi, de capo pseudoephedrine, styracosaurus quisling and gnu oolites. Of course when google picks up this page they'll no longer be Google Whacks, but that's the fun of it!
at 07:07 PM
Oooops, ned.com seemed to be down most of this night so I wasn't able to post anything *arg* More things to come so it doesn't look like I missed a day! *smiles hopefully*
at 02:02 PM
ME! It's me! Drawn by my great friend Mira who you see floating round here some-times. I like purple! Ok so it's not completely anime like, but it's similar!
Where was I again? Oh yeah anime. I like anime, it's from Japan (mostly) and we only get to hear it when it's translated using extreamly bad american voice actors. Some really kick @ss anime 'reviews' from the great site 'Whatever Dude' *runs out of things to say about anime* ... *Faith mutters* baka
In other new's... Faith died *smiles between clenched teeth* gotta go!
at 09:23 AM
Pain lots of pain. Teeth hurt. Owww. Uploaded new page. Burnt down dentists. Owww
at 06:20 PM
As suing becomes a national pass time in the USA, the warnings and instructions on products become more and more ridiculous! A few examples are:
Directions- use like regular soap ~A bar of Soap
Warning- contains nuts ~A packet of peanuts
Product will be hot after heating ~Bread pudding packet
Not to be used for other use ~Food Processor
The appliance is switched on by setting the on/off switch into the on position ~Expresso kettle manufacturer
Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands of genitals ~Chainsaw
*shakes head* absolutely mad!
ps. Blog will be pink after loading, do not sue me for epiletic fits, damage to eyes due to overexposure of pinkness or heart attacks because of me mentioning the word 'genitals'. Have a nice day!
at 07:13 PM
Smiled @ 3 complete strangers today. They all smiled back. I felt good. Didn't work on the large black dog that was chasing my bike though, I had to hit it repeatedly before it would give anything remotely resembelling a smile. Then it went kinda limp, so I left. *mutters* Teach it to try and bite me
In other news, New Zealand Main Post Office have just released a set of FOTR stamps! Go buy them from their website NOW! (Please?) *laughs*
at 08:20 PM
Tried to search for some of those funny '100 things to do with x' on Yahoo (Google for some reason is down. Curse them all.) Dissapointing really, it came up with two things which I've read before. The other's were actually serious. I am considering shooting some-thing but I know (through heavy councelling sessions) that, that never solves any-thing. Oh what the heck *goes and shots a small peice of straw* MWHAAAAAHAAAA, oops
I really should stop betting all my possessions on easy bets *shakes head*
I bet Atombombmk2 he couldn't make a site, he made one. Now I'm a Hello Kitty bedspread and 5 fwuffy toy animals shorter, dangnabbit!
Well any who, he made a site, quite a fun site @ that! I put it in my minions list *chuckle*
According to AB2 this is his >site: a small hole in space and time where the small elfs collect honey from their overgrown bee's...
*sniff* Just like his old Evil Overlord Master of Doom
at 05:54 PM
James Bond vs. Austin Powers ...and now for something completely trivial: MGM and Danjaq, the British company that controls the Bond film license, have obtained a cease-and-desist order against New Line Cinema that prohibits New Line from calling the latest installment of Mike Myers' shagadelic spy series Austin Powers in Goldmember. Apparently, the 007 folks weren't too keen on the double entendre of Goldmember--a takeoff on the 1964 Bond classic, Goldfinger--and released the legal hounds to force the name change. That's not very sporting of them, is it?
Wonderful thread on Mefi about the 'James Bond vs. Austin Powers' war. Go see now, laugh, eat a hot pocket, come back. MWHAAAAAAHAAAAAA, ooops =^_^=
at 01:53 PM
It's what I alway's feared. *coughs* I'm not like that am I? AM I? TELL ME! You're all against me! NOOOO *runs around in circles shreaking*
Disorder | Rating |
Paranoid: | Very High |
Schizoid: | Moderate |
Schizotypal: | Very High |
Antisocial: | High |
Borderline: | Very High |
Histrionic: | Very High |
Narcissistic: | Very High |
Avoidant: | Very High |
Dependent: | Very High |
Obsessive-Compulsive: | High |
-- Click Here To Take The Test -- |
at 01:38 PM
Can't sleep (again). Had a soothing cup of coco about 4 hours ago. I think the milk was off. Now I hurt. Can't sleep.
*brightens* I wrote a poem about insomnia, it's not very good. You'll be blighted with it any way. Sadly no brightly colored pictures.
a warm grey night,
fuzzy light revealing shadows,
a poster half illuminated on a wall,
stared @ with unseeing eyes;
shadows looming,
half formed thoughts lingering,
in the still night air,
I'm thinking of calling it 'Reflections On Wakefullness By A Short Sighted Pillow Case' or maybe just 'Insomnia'!
I've managed to include the word 'fuzzy' in almost every piece of writing since Year 6 *shouts* I WILL NOT BE SWAYED! *ahem*
at 02:22 AM
I don't feel like talking today (still @ home) so instead I shall conduct my blog using small, brightly colored pictures.
Read what you will into those, if you ever read again MWHAAAAAAAHAAAAAAA
at 02:54 PM
The good new's is I'm not being sick any more. Bad new's is I feel like a large, fat grendel has sat on my head through out the night! *winces*
Added a few more minions to my side bar thingy *looks shifty* You're next *points @ YOU*!!!
Also uploaded (finally) my Frodo Shrine page *smiles*
*sits and wait's to some-one to comment so her existance can have some meaning*
at 02:47 PM
Isn't it cute?
at 05:20 PM
3897 little speckled frogs, sitting on a speckled log,
eating the most delicous grubs *nang nang nang*,
1 jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool,
now there are 3896 speckled froooooogs
at 07:40 AM
Why hello every-one *waves* I am now back after a wonderful weekend of shopping with my wonderful Aunt and Uncle: Anna and Neil! I got a great LOTR poster, 3 cute tops from Tammy, money for a pair of trousers which weren't in my size and I'm gonna try and get some-where else and the most wonderful amerthyst necklace!
I'm working my way through all the forum threads and emails that have been neglected, emerging every few hours to munch thoughtfully on a corn cracker.
at 03:36 PM
If you tried to get to this blog using the incorrect index.htm link and got a 404 error. Sorry, I've put a page redirect there instead. I'm still not sure how that started.
at 11:47 AM
By the way HnK, do you like the design, both of here and the whole site?
As you can probably tell this is a filler post to make sure that the design works, if the left hand collumn of posts isn't long enough then it goes all squify.
at 01:04 AM
This is the word of hnk: "I blog." *mutters* finally
So let it be said and so let it be sung.
This is the word of hnk.
at 06:27 PM