The Wayback Machine -
Chibi Yume

June 29, 2003

Another one bites the dust

Amusing MS comic (Check out who the new Charms professor turns out to be ^_^;;;)

at 12:09 PM

April 10, 2003

Taking wenchiness to new levels!

Hayley did this wonderful pic of me. I've decided that I must have my hair dyed like that, all the Hnk pics are calling to me...

Made a few icons from the picture, as I can never get enough wench icons. A simple, default Hugsnkisses and a !plushie minion! one, because that plushie is ohsoverykawaii *snuggles it*

Another wenchy item is a conversation I had with Kezizzi in the Library on Monday. On Saturday I had gone shopping (and bought) some nice new shirts (I tend to wear T-shirts in school).
Hnk: *enters library*
Kezizzi: You're wearing a shirt!
Hnk: *sarcastically* Unlike the rest of the time when I come to school naked.
*half the boys in the library look up*

Oh, and tA, you are so getting jumped on for that "hee" remark about the snow. *runs after her yelling 'Grendel thing'*

at 09:20 PM

January 09, 2003

If I had 2 dead rats I'd give you one

This brought to mind that time that Orli visted the girl with cancer, only, so much better.

I'm just a little stunned at the moment, with everything that is happening in the world today, with the people in the world today, kindness, true, honest, kindness is so rare.

Last term, I was waiting for a train at Chorleywood and was just putting my ticket away by the metro stand. This guy picked up two papers, gave one to me and walked off. Just simple little things. It really made my day that a random stranger would do that for me, the fact that it was such a small act of kindness made it better.

It also makes me wonder why, when the woman who earned more money than the Queen last year could reply to feedback, Fandom Queens: first post rants about how no-one feedbacks and it's their Duty dammit, and then post about how they never reply to most of their feedback because 'my gift is my FIC!*'
*may not be an actual quote

at 10:37 PM

October 10, 2002

u know how obsessed aboout things i can become and im so scared i might get like that about elijah and do something stupid like decide 2 devote my whole life 2 him

Thinking back today I was wondering. When did it happen? When did we stop talking about GW. When did we stop playing Petz. When, oh when did we become Lotr furikus? If I really wanted I guess I could trawl through my old blog entries, but they just tell the facts, not the reasons.

I suppose it must have happened gradually, we went to see the film for my birthday, 3 of us had seen it before. All of us liked it. I had read the books. Elvea went and read the books. We all quite liked the guys.

We went to see it again. Went through a few websites. was a goldmine. Livejournal I had only touched upon, not realising what it was. Quickly dismissing it.

Note: After writing that decided to thoroughly research this subject as I am now v. interested in our obsessional Lotr history.

Looking through the archives of my blog, I can see that in late Jan. I posted something which mentioned far too many people hogging the screen in The Faculty. Now I recall, that (maybe?) my friends came round for my birthday (Thurs) to watch the Faculty, and we went to see Lotr the next week as my birthday weekend I went to my aunts (shopping, squee!). I also recall now that I had been wanting a Lotr poster for some time before that, but that shopping weekend was my first chance to get one. That was Jan 13. Orli's birthday.

Very soon afterwards (around the 20th) I mention that I had read some hilarious spoof diaries of Lotr, namely the VSD's. Also about seeing the hobbits, Orli and Liv on TRL.

Just gently scrolling through I can see things like lots and lots of Lij pictures, talks with people about how crazy for Lotr we are and things like (I cannot believe it was 7 months ago) me telling 'Faith' it was too a bush. By March 25th Izzi had an LJ. (I remember the convincing I had to do to get her not to have her username as 'Poppy', which means that nickname was around.)

Now I've gone a-searching, the first time that 'Poppy' is mentioned is early february and Elvea is late february. Kym is mentioned late Jan, but that was a carryover from GW.

More scrolling and I see squeeage about the TT trailer, fanfic reviews, me gradually loving Orli, getting those TT posters, Franka, Mary-sues, that large cluster of Mary-sueites who seem to have taken up permenant residence in my my Figwit post, the Gap ad, some tuely beautiful Viggo quotes, finally joining the Rings Thing, Orli lots of Orli, DVD excitement, that fanfic and quite a few icons.

Looking through our emails (of which there are alot) I see Izzi worrying about becoming obsessed with Lij (hee.) lots of talk about when next we will see the movie and alot of talk about the Viggo soundbite ^_^

All in all I can only conclude that once we saw the movie that was it. We were hooked. Never even thought to look back, never thought there was any other way. I see no gradual change, no small steps into obsession. Just Lotr furikus all the way. And that makes me very, very happy.

at 09:17 PM

September 01, 2002

A fitting (and impressive) title for a new year

Another year. That scares me, alot. More than the impending GCSE's, more than the fear that my mind might have tuned to mush, more than the thought of more Haldir come Christmas time. (Although less than the thought of Viggo singing come Nov.) Ah, two LOTR references in just as many sentences of my first 'AH SCHOOL I HATE LIFE but love Orli' post, life is happy again.

I took a break from blogging because it was the holidays, the summer holidays people. Spending most of Christmas on Neopets to colect all the free gifts, fine; spend almost of all your time on The Forums leading up to and after new years night, perfectly reasonable; spend the whole of your summer glued to the screen, you're in trouble.

The break helped me to update my site (see it in all it's shining glory!), helped me clear my head and made me realise how much I use my blog, just jotting down random, silly ideas or ranting about the newst Josh Hartnett *spits* movie.

Whilst away on one of my holiday adventures I got this little thing made up! That's Tigger on the right ('cos I'm so bouncy an' wonderful) and a gecko on the left, (because.) What happens when you eat too many pies... (actually just when you angle the camera too low.)

Then just took a few random photos of me right now!

Me (I hate braces)

Me (making sure my eyes didn't fall into the heavily-lidded-look they always get, no I'm not on drugs *glares*)

Feels good to do this again. You can do what ever you want but one day you’ll know what life truly is, it’s the sour and the sweet and I know sour, which allows me to appreciate the sweet. (Pop culture reference #542)

at 11:19 PM

July 15, 2002

Croc Hunt

*in tacky Australian accent* What have we become? *perky tacky Australian accent* Makers of the greatest movie of all time! Oh look it sucking out our souls and look @ the filmogrophy on that thing it's just beautiful and I can slowly feel my life slipping away and my brain turning to mush but my isn't that acting marvellous etc.

at 05:15 PM

May 01, 2002

The Internet : An Essay

Of all the inventions that man has marveled over after creation, the world wide web is most definitely the most useless of all. This communication/information/ marketing/entertainment device has gradually become accepted by all of us, and in some cases has reached the point of being a dependency to us in order to function properly in the modern world. However, one thing that has not yet become accepted is the fact that soon an entirely new generation of degenerate, antisocial, ignorant, hypocrites will eventually walk the earth, and the only thing we will have to blame for this will be the glorious internet itself.

How could a completely wired medium spawn a terror race of ignorance and hypocrisy in the first place? Let’s start from the beginning...

Since the internets creation, its primary function has been to give people an opportunity to argue with/insult/hurt/and generally piss off people they do not even know in person. Its secondary function is to allow people to exchange pornographic images. An example of this is the fact that since the internets creation, the most common word searched for was “sex”, up until the invention of Napster, when “mp3” became the newly most searched word. Also to support this is the fact that more than 50% of all internet web sites are adult oriented and contain pornographic images of some sort.

Now back to my original point about the internet being a hate medium. Although it may seem shocking, I am being 100% truthful when I say that there are actually people in this world who sit at their computers all day long typing hate messages to people they don’t know at all because in some sick, morbid, jacked up way they get some sort of pleasure out of it. These people are ignorant, selfish, hypocritical, and downright stupid. These people will eventually spawn their own race of degenerates that will have no social skills whatsoever, and will infect our society in the worst of ways. It is only a matter of time before we see them emerge to the surface.

The internet is a completely useless invention. The amount of marketing fraud on the web is inconceivable. Every day over 10,000 people are scammed by ordering things over the internet by credit cards. Also, the internet is not a secure way of communicating confidentially. It is quite easy to hack into e-mail accounts, and even easier to pretend to be someone you are not. The internet also promotes fraud in general. There are millions upon millions of dollars of pirated software and music on the internet that are virtually free to anyone, and ripe for the picking. The message that is being sent out to all internet users today is that stealing is ok and saying “Fuck you, motherfucking shit face!” to anyone, especially people you don’t know is also quite acceptable. Have we as a race gone mad?

It is almost terrifying to think about the repercussions of what this medium will bring. Not just the psychosomatic antisocial race, but the effect that it could have on people who are sensible enough human beings, but are already exposed to the mountains of crap that comprise the world wide web.

Well, I guess we just have to wait and see, but in reality, we can’t deny it any longer. Eventually the bullshit that is the internet will overflow and take over our lives in the most horrifying ways, and quite indirectly. Our lives are now run by lies created by machines that are incapable of lying.

Not by me, but intresting all the same. And true. So horribly true. ;-)

Funny part is that the essay was written by a troll on one of my regular sites. It's an ongoing saga!

at 06:39 PM

April 01, 2002

Previous Post

I'd just like everyone to note that the previous post was an April Fool as far as I know HnK is not going to the ball/premier. It was quite a good trick, if not as good as Metafilters.

at 10:10 PM

March 24, 2002

100 Posts Of Blog!!!

This entry will mark the 100th post made by me (and Kym) to my blog. Sure some of them haven't been released yet, they're waiting, lurking in the misty backwaters of where-ever it is that I type this *cue mystical music* just praying for the day when it's 3am and I'm too tired to think of anything to type so I stick that in instead.

So yeah anyway !:D:)100th Post Aniversarie:):D!

You may be intrested to know that although this is the 100th post, 932 comments have been made (that's almost 10 per blog entry!) and I've only been blogging for 68 days!

I guess I talk too much or something *grins*

Since it's Easter now I'll probobly be averaging about 3 posts a day as being on the computer 24/7 tends to give you something to talk about ;-)

at 04:16 PM

March 04, 2002

ok then o.O

Removed beucase of personal choice and request from mother. Let us never speak of it again ;-)

at 05:47 PM

February 28, 2002


Gotta change pigs now, brb *rolls eyes @ Nick who is pointing the cattle prod @ her*

I'm going ok, owww *vizzzzz*

at 06:50 PM

February 20, 2002


*hee hee hee* Just a note from to sort out any 'friends'. *glares/grins @ Mark*

warning. this blog is capable of IP banning. people who post on here could find themselves unable to comment for any reason or none. This power is compleatly under the discretion of the administators myself and hnk. No correspondance will be entered into, your house may be at risk if you do not keep up mortgage repayments or any other loan secured upon it. Use within 28 days. If swallowed seek immediate medical advice.

That is all.

at 04:45 PM

February 18, 2002

Don't mess with CL *threatening look*

Some *pauses* troll was nasty about CL *sniffle*

Created a page for it, quite funny (for me) really.

Reasons never to try and insult CL in my hearing ^_^

at 03:03 PM

February 10, 2002

A simple questionaire....

A simple, fun, amusing little email questionnaire. The type you might see flying round through many emails, one in fact very like what I used for my 'About Me' page. Who would have thought as simple an email as this might provoke such a violent response. When I say violent I mean threatening me with eternal pain and fear, ETERNAL PAIN AND FEAR slightly angry. The kind that if looks could kill you'd get maybe a small graze from.

You know what I'm talking about, at least if you're anybody today you do. If you didn't get that email, here's a copy of it here. So I innocently send this to every-one in my personal address book, not my family's whole address book. I've learnt my lesson there. Not even with the addresses in the 'To' list, I've learnt my lesson there; they were all in 'CC'. And I get a few replies, like you do. People I know and like and have talked to for medium-long amounts of time. Then suddenly out of the blue, I get a flame. A few more decent replies, and then another flame! Anyway, since I'm pyro, flames don't really bother me but still, quite surprising. I thought I'd post them here and see your *points @ YOU* view on them.

I do not approve of circulars.
I also do not approve of being called lame.
Please do not forward junk like this to me.
Would it be possible to have the e-mail address of whoever sent you this e-mail? I have a quest to fulfill.......
Sorry if this sounded harsh. Some people need it said very clearly, so I've taken to sounding more offended than I actually am. And since this bits at the end of the e-mail, your first impression is that you've caused major harm to my life. Do not, however, presume that you can disregard the first impression.... I despise forwards.

And this is what I replied:

"Laughs, honey that 'lame' thing was a joke! (Well actually I don't know who wrote that so......) but I think putting: *HnK want's to spoil every-one's fun, especially YOURS *points @ YOU* kinda show's that I was making a joke out of the whole thing.
Also I didn't forward it, if you cared to read it you'll see I filled in my own informative and amusing answers to 'help friends get to know each other' ;-p
Sure AB2 sent it to me, his site is @ the top of my minions list.
Danganabbit, I'll cause major harm to some-one's life yet *looks annoyed*"

I then got this back from them:

I did notice, but its all the same in the end. It gets passed on, altered or not, like a virus

Like air, and books, and funny comments all these are passed on a virus. -.-

This was the second flame I got:

Fun!? What's so fun about a stupid chain letter? How DAIRE you take my e mail and use it this way!!!! This is a prime way spammer get your e mail address.
N=My e mail is for personalo corrospondance only. NOT for childish gibberish!!!

*blink* Right anyway. For the purpose of this exercise I'd like to go through and count the number of adults who responded to this 'childish gibberish'. I would also like to know how a spammer could get addresses when they were all put into 'Bcc'. Well this is how I replied to this one:

personalo= personal
corrospondance= correspondence

Just a few mistakes you may wanna keep in mind. Flames sound so much more tacky when spelt wrong."

Why did I reply to these? I don't know, I just have a morbid fascination of flames. I keep trying to write a witty sentence here involving the word 'trolls' but fail on every account. Oh well, s'pose that'll have to do.

at 05:38 PM

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