if (!isset($id)) { srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $randval = rand(); setcookie("id",$randval,time()+126144000,"/",".http://www.nedrichards.com/hnk",0); } ?>
Watched Smallville last night and man, it was sucky. It was one of those I-think-Mary-Sue-could-have-more-realistic-dialogue-than-this bad. Seriously. The only bright spot was Tom Welling almost dying from kryptonite Attack of The Tacky Green Necklace, and well, this.
Today I did not fall into a bush, I did however get a yoghurt thrown at me.
Also, in an amusing turnaround Yahell attempts to overtake Google (fools!)
at 07:33 PM
Got stuck in a sticky (muddy) rut last week and couldn't think of anything to post. But in the interests of just liking to have something in the archives I made some backdated entries with a notable thing from that day. I still have scratches from the bush :-\ (Damn you Red Bull!)
Am slightly amused (looking back at the archives) that this time last year, add 2 days I had just found out about Aragorn singing, it really does not seem a year (minus 2 days) ago. (Weren't we cute back then?)
Lastly, was playing (Hangman) with Luke in English today. Luke got one letter on his first go, and then proceeded to correctly guess the whole thing. I feel sadly predictable. Can you guess the mystery phrase? (Answer behind cut.)
_ _ _ T _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ T
at 05:01 PM
Today I didn't run out eeping unhappily when blood was discussed in blodge.
at 04:36 PM
Realised I have some truely awful gaps in my history knowledge (really, we weren't involved in Vietnam?) so checked out various timelines but somehow got sucked into the Holocaust again and came across Gudrun Himmler, daughter of Heinrich Himmler, Hitler's number 2 man. She was nicknamed "Puppi" which means little doll and was his favourite child. Lavished with gifts, flown across Germany to see him etc.
She is still alive today, about 70 and has 2 children. Apparently she denies that her father did anything wrong and is involved with many Nazi organisations including one which gives old SS officers new names (scroll down to Saturday, 18 April 1998).
I wonder how her children sleep at night.
A picture of "Puppi" with her father, Heinrich Himmler
As a final thought on this, an entry made by Gudrun at the age of 12 when her father "spoiled" her with a day trip to one of the death camps: "Today we went to the SS concentration camp at Dachau. We saw everything we could. We saw the gardening work. We saw the pear trees. We saw all the pictures painted by the prisoners. Marvellous. And afterwards we had a lot to eat ... it was very nice."
at 08:12 PM
I [heart] going on the 'net at school. I am with Elvea, working on that Romanian thing I did last year (yay!) Do they have water-buffalo in Romania? 'Cos I want more tic-tacs. (says Elvea)
Um, yeah.
at 11:54 AM
We have snow!
Tonnes of it!
Our English class was let out slightly light so the school was mostly empty so we had this huge snowball fight which ended with me not being able to feel my hands.....
So ner tA. Now we have snow
Also, I am highly amused that Harry Potter is now available in Latin and Welsh. Sindarin edition coming soon, probably.
Posts about the snow:
"snow is a waste of time" from Barry
Haven't seen this much snow since i was like 11 or something... from Poppy
"Come on! He's only one teacher! We can take him!" from Elvea.
at 05:25 PM
Je suis parti à sept en soirée (ma soeur morte).
French test was interesting....
at 02:44 PM
... I've decided, instead of blog entries, to put up one (special) icon for every day. This icon will in some way represent something that went on in that day, be it a film I saw, something I said, a memory I had etc. Enjoy!
at 11:13 PM
Thinking back today I was wondering. When did it happen? When did we stop talking about GW. When did we stop playing Petz. When, oh when did we become Lotr furikus? If I really wanted I guess I could trawl through my old blog entries, but they just tell the facts, not the reasons.
I suppose it must have happened gradually, we went to see the film for my birthday, 3 of us had seen it before. All of us liked it. I had read the books. Elvea went and read the books. We all quite liked the guys.
We went to see it again. Went through a few websites. ff.net was a goldmine. Livejournal I had only touched upon, not realising what it was. Quickly dismissing it.
Note: After writing that decided to thoroughly research this subject as I am now v. interested in our obsessional Lotr history.
Looking through the archives of my blog, I can see that in late Jan. I posted something which mentioned far too many people hogging the screen in The Faculty. Now I recall, that (maybe?) my friends came round for my birthday (Thurs) to watch the Faculty, and we went to see Lotr the next week as my birthday weekend I went to my aunts (shopping, squee!). I also recall now that I had been wanting a Lotr poster for some time before that, but that shopping weekend was my first chance to get one. That was Jan 13. Orli's birthday.
Very soon afterwards (around the 20th) I mention that I had read some hilarious spoof diaries of Lotr, namely the VSD's. Also about seeing the hobbits, Orli and Liv on TRL.
Just gently scrolling through I can see things like lots and lots of Lij pictures, talks with people about how crazy for Lotr we are and things like (I cannot believe it was 7 months ago) me telling 'Faith' it was too a bush. By March 25th Izzi had an LJ. (I remember the convincing I had to do to get her not to have her username as 'Poppy', which means that nickname was around.)
Now I've gone a-searching, the first time that 'Poppy' is mentioned is early february and Elvea is late february. Kym is mentioned late Jan, but that was a carryover from GW.
More scrolling and I see squeeage about the TT trailer, fanfic reviews, me gradually loving Orli, getting those TT posters, Franka, Mary-sues, that large cluster of Mary-sueites who seem to have taken up permenant residence in my my Figwit post, the Gap ad, some tuely beautiful Viggo quotes, finally joining the Rings Thing, Orli lots of Orli, DVD excitement, that fanfic and quite a few icons.
Looking through our emails (of which there are alot) I see Izzi worrying about becoming obsessed with Lij (hee.) lots of talk about when next we will see the movie and alot of talk about the Viggo soundbite ^_^
All in all I can only conclude that once we saw the movie that was it. We were hooked. Never even thought to look back, never thought there was any other way. I see no gradual change, no small steps into obsession. Just Lotr furikus all the way. And that makes me very, very happy.
at 09:17 PM
Have spent far too long writing my english coursework story today. This isn't helped by the fact that I have to listen to my two depressive songs to write it. Or by the fact that I dislike one of my characters, the guy, the girls alright. No come to think of it I dislike her too. Well, he likes her and that's enough.
In a fit of stubbornness due to the fact that I couldn't think of a name for my character that wasn't LOTR related, I decided to not mention the name of my main male character at all. This did lead to some tricky writing, but I mostly got round it. Hate him anyway so do not mind.
He's not particularly hateable, I just don't like him. Like in IRL.
Am considering writing this story in drabble form too. Just for fun.
Should finish it tonight, I only have one paragraph to go. (Then the tweeking begins!) Although it has been rather like pulling teeth, slowly, without painkillers, and only using two blunt sporks.
at 06:17 PM
Arg, hate school.
Seem to be watching too much TV lately, spent about 5 hours last night, and 4 the night before. After dragging my Extreamly Heavy Bag back home over several Very Large Hills, I don't really have the energy to do much more than lie in front of the TV. The Internet is so tiring T.T
Looking around LJ, it seems everyone else feels the same. Fic updates are getting less, moaning has increased by 300%, but here's a little thing to brighten your day. That and the lilac pyjamas..... they're still brightening mine. 3 days later.
Here's to you Elvea. *snuggles*
at 06:01 PM
hee. New fencing teacher so funny.
Telling us to go into Sixte:
*going down the line* Not sixte, not sixte, an attempt @ sixte (that was me!), awful
After telling us too take our shoes off (never done before) to learn to grip:
Boy: But what if someone stabs me in the foot?
Instructor: Then you shall die, and I shall watch.
Apparently he's me. (Only 40 years older, balding, large and male.)
Is that something I would say? Or have said? *twitches* BURN THEM, BURN 'EM ALL
at 10:39 PM
From material:
Oh yeah, and I have no books. lots of people left the books for this year in their lockers over the holiday because the teachers said it was fine, then they changed their mind, emptied all the lockers and (genius moment in the history of teaching approaching) forgot where they'd put all the books
Don't you just love our education system?
It's hard to say what I like best about going back too school. GCSESAHHHNOHELP is neck and neck with getting-up-@-a-time-I'd-barely-even-gone-to-sleep-@-in-the-holidays with PHSE! Citizenship is Fun, Very Heavy Bags and canteen-prices-raised-again following close behind. Ugg :: School is trailing pitifully. Dummer Deutscher never even started (thank goodness.)
Note: Lookee me!
at 08:38 PM
Another year. That scares me, alot. More than the impending GCSE's, more than the fear that my mind might have tuned to mush, more than the thought of more Haldir come Christmas time. (Although less than the thought of Viggo singing come Nov.) Ah, two LOTR references in just as many sentences of my first 'AH SCHOOL I HATE LIFE but love Orli' post, life is happy again.
I took a break from blogging because it was the holidays, the summer holidays people. Spending most of Christmas on Neopets to colect all the free gifts, fine; spend almost of all your time on The Forums leading up to and after new years night, perfectly reasonable; spend the whole of your summer glued to the screen, you're in trouble.
The break helped me to update my site (see it in all it's shining glory!), helped me clear my head and made me realise how much I use my blog, just jotting down random, silly ideas or ranting about the newst Josh Hartnett *spits* movie.
Whilst away on one of my holiday adventures I got this little thing made up! That's Tigger on the right ('cos I'm so bouncy an' wonderful) and a gecko on the left, (because.) What happens when you eat too many pies... (actually just when you angle the camera too low.)
Then just took a few random photos of me right now!
Me (I hate braces)
Me (making sure my eyes didn't fall into the heavily-lidded-look they always get, no I'm not on drugs *glares*)
Feels good to do this again. You can do what ever you want but one day you’ll know what life truly is, it’s the sour and the sweet and I know sour, which allows me to appreciate the sweet. (Pop culture reference #542)
at 11:19 PM
Summer Holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEE
Ok I'm done.
Sorry for not updating yesterday, I was tired, and people were on the computer. (Not that, that usually stops me, heh heh.)
Glowing report as usual. Most used word this time was 'consistent' which means that I generally hand in wonderful h/w but occasionally hand in something more resembling a dead fishes work. For some reason got a wonderful art report. I. Hate. Art.
Then again I hate cross country.......
at 02:30 PM
*smug look* I made it first! (Damn you Elvea ^_~)
Anyways just a small note to all guys saying that desperation is the largest turn off ever. Stop it.
If you want to talk to us, talk! Practising chat up lines/hinting things oh so not subtely online is so uncool it's right down there with liking Pokémon. And if you don't feel you have anything to say, then all signs point to it's not meant to be! (Although reading the whole of LOTR and then the Silmarillion and then Unfinished Tales will certainly put you ahead).
*bangs head* No, why am I doing this, why am I giving them idea's again? *shrugs* Oh well.
Hnk's little list of things to talk about:
at 09:55 PM
I must leave now. Maybe to return, maybe to perish, but in that, completing my final goal. I (little grasshopper) must pass the ultimate test...
French Exchange. YAY! See ya'll in a week ^_^
But whilst I'm gone (along with Kym, Elvea and Poppy ~who will be in Florida, lucky.... hobbit~) enjoy this *see next blog entry*
Also this, because I think it's great. Sent by J John (Elvea knows who he is :-p)
Think outside of the square in which you live...
You are driving along on a wild stormy night. You pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for the bus:
1. An old woman who is about to die.
2. An old friend who once saved your life.
3. The perfect woman you have been dreaming about.
Which one would you choose, knowing that there could only be one passenger in your car. This is a moral/ethical dilemma that was once actually used as part of a job application. You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and therefore you should save her first; or you could take the old friend because he once saved your life, and this would be the perfect opportunity to pay him back. However, you may never be able to find your perfect dream woman again. The candidate who was hired (out of 200 applicants) had no trouble coming up with his answer. Think before you continue reading. . .
He simply answered: "I would give the car keys to my old friend, and let him take the woman to the hospital. I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the woman of my dreams." Sometimes, we gain more if we are able to give up our stubborn thought limitations (think outside the square). You are not always the victim in life, most of the time you are the victor looking at the situation from the wrong view! The view is yours to choose.
at 07:29 PM
Whilst in Romania I did an offline blog. Funness, and I kinda wrote 37 pages....
Which means it may take a little while to type up! Been mobbed on Trillian and I think my inbox died! Amy (my host, not uk!Amy) thank you so much, it was amazing. I had a wonderful time. Multumesc!
at 07:51 PM
SQUEEEEEEEE, I can't believe it, I'm going to Romania tommorrow!
That means that I probobly won't be updating for about 4 days. I hope all my fwiends have a great time stuck here in England (;-)) and do something really fun on Friday!
Annoyed loads of people @ the end of school by waving goddbye and telling them I'd see them on Monday. The average reaction time for realising tommorrow was infact Thursday was 5 seconds :-p
Told Demi I wasn't trying to rub it in or anything with an innocent look on my face >:-)
Well, unless I see you *points @ YOU* on Trillian tonight, then bye *hugs ya all*
at 06:44 PM
Romania, soon. No school. 25-30 degrees @ midday. Go me!
at 10:36 PM
I have so many starts to this entry, yet I don't know which one to use. Oh well, guess I'll bung 'em all together. I mean, this is the 'modern age' when we do things 'differently' (which basically means we do the same things we've always done only with different colored cars...)
#1 SAT's today. Think I did ok. More tommorrow :-\
#2 Today was really interesting. Actually I wasn't. I lied.
#3 *bitch*
you get the idea...
#4 Wanted:
Someone to love me for who I am.
Someone I can pamper and take care of.
Someone to make me feel loved.
Inquire Within.
at 05:49 PM
Ok, so I don't think I put this up but Alan has a site. Also AT and Hannah. (Various peeps from my school) I am not so petty as to not post these links. I take pride in being a good netizen. :-p
Although those exact same guestbooks over and over and over again, do make my little HTML loving heart wince.
at 08:56 PM
.....members of 9D. Is the English test due for Monday?
at 04:27 PM
So proud. Had 3 people from my class come up to me in school today and tell me my site was wierd. Why were they suprised?
Anyways Barry has a new site. And so does Elvea. Only I kinda forgot to say about her. *coughs*
ELVES SUCK! ('Cept Feanor, and Legolas ^_^)
at 10:38 PM
This entry will mark the 100th post made by me (and Kym) to my blog. Sure some of them haven't been released yet, they're waiting, lurking in the misty backwaters of where-ever it is that I type this *cue mystical music* just praying for the day when it's 3am and I'm too tired to think of anything to type so I stick that in instead.
So yeah anyway !:D:)100th Post Aniversarie:):D!
You may be intrested to know that although this is the 100th post, 932 comments have been made (that's almost 10 per blog entry!) and I've only been blogging for 68 days!
I guess I talk too much or something *grins*
Since it's Easter now I'll probobly be averaging about 3 posts a day as being on the computer 24/7 tends to give you something to talk about ;-)
at 04:16 PM
Easter now, you know what that means? ROADTRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ahem* Or maybe not *looks shifty*
Anyways, Phil gave me an Easter Egg today, that was sweet, so was the chocolate! *boom boom*
Yeah, ok. So me, Faith, Kym and Izzi go bowling because we break up @ like 12:30, which is fun. Not that we did any work today anyway. In RE we watched Pingu, in German we watched Friends, in Drama we read books 'cos the Drama room was being painted and I got strange looks for pretending Kym's hair was the may poll and dancing round it singing 'Sunshine and Lollypops'. Oh yeah, we also started braiding it (Faith and I) 'cos we got bored. And then in French we were supposed to be playing pictionary but Faith and I continued to braid Kym's hair, perch small fwuffy chicks on her head and takes photos. Oh also laugh @ Phil, though I do not know why.
Then when we broke up we took the train to North Harrow and went bowling. That was fun, in the way that it kinda wasn't. Well it was but I think the bowling alley didn't like us, or was bored or something.
Firstly there was a slight slope just @ the end of the lane before the pins which meant you had to curl the ball to the right if you wanted to hit anything. The there was the way in which it always managed to drop a few pins when placing them down. So if on your first go you'd hit 6 pins and there were 4 left, it was more likely by the time the machine had finished replacing them that you only had 3 or 2 left to actually knock down. It managed to malfunction so splendidly that it gave Kym and Izzi strikes before they'd even lifted a ball! (Not the actually counting machine but the placing-pins-on-lane-machine) Anyways, I won although I always liken my winning or losing to winning or losing to a rather intelliegent chipmunk, who can't bowl. (Which I can't)
I'm sure there's more to say, but I'm bored now. Why won't you go away and leave me in peace, why must you always come back, WHY?!
at 08:18 PM
@ school now, in an IT lesson. I have the computer with the _worst_ graphics card and my 'computer' (I'm thinking about it as more as a very clever, or not, rock) hates me -.-
We have to research a topic of our choice *smiles happily* Guess what I chose. Only trouble is netscape completely mashes lordoftherings.net and my site as well *glares*
Kym is researching Aragorn. Almost fell off the the chair (twice) looking @ pics of him on her screen.
Must go now, think Mr Wade suspects something. *looks shifty and creeps off* To all those *cough*ned.com*cough* who aren't @ school (well Rickmansworth) grr arg :-p
at 01:01 PM
Ok so first thing on a Monday morning we have games....... first thing on a Monday morning.
You know Mondays, you wake up after your wonderful exciting/relaxing/fun (etc.) weekend @ (horror of horrors) 7am, drag yourself out of the most comfortable bed there's ever been, throw on some clothes and stumble off to school/work. You want to sleep, you want to rest, you want to not think or move for the next 2 hours...... and you have games. Games in the cold and wet, games in the cold and wet and mud, games in the cold and wet and mud with sadistic teachers screaming @ you when they're all wrapped up in their nice little fur jackets.
Well thankfully we had a break from that today with the house matches, house matches for netball. I haven't played netball for a year, I kept my head down and (suprise, suprise) wasn't picked for the A or B teams. Which meant that I and Faith (and Kym and Izzi if you wanna know, but they're in different houses so they are of course, the enemy) got to play with the Tolkien Quizbook for an hour whilst stupid little people ran around chasing a mock pigs bladder.
After that we had maths, and not just any maths, mock SATs maths. I hate maths. I know all those people who are doing GCSE's, A levels and degrees don't think of SATs as a big deal, but they are, for me. Anyways after writing complete rubbish for an hour (why did they put me in the top group, WHY?!) we then had history. History was fun, I have no complaints there, let us move on.
Ok so every Monday after History we have an English 'library lesson'. This is basically where we get to read books for 35 mins (1 period) in the library instead of our English classroom. This has been a weekly tradition since year 7. But not today. Nooooooooo no today, they had to choose today to break the tradition of a life time (I never said it was my lifetime, it's the lifetime of a small possum with only 1 day left to live *sniffle*). Because we're preparing for our SATs (don't you just love Shakespeare?!) instead we had to do other stuff, other stuff not involving relaxing with a comphy (LOTR) book for half an hour to escape the drudgery of school and drift into the magical world of snooty, poncing elves and small men with hairy feet.
Then it rained @ lunch, all lunch, and the library was closed. Moving on *twitch* we had a science test, a long science test, next to 'Max' who kept copying my work. Quite amusing really, to check someones doing this you put the most stupid answer ever, work forward a few pages then sigh, go back to that question cross it out and put something else. Then wait. The copier will almost immediately do the same, works every time *grins*
Went back to Kyms house and teased Samwise (Sammy) her cat, with long pieces of string.
We were supposed to collect our french exchange @ 5:30, they were 45 minutes late, we had to wait 45 minutes @ the school. Joy of joys.
Then we had fencing, and our first test for the One Star award. We didn't know we would be having it today, then we did. But we (Faith, Kym and I) all passed YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That concludes my day. *waves a little flag*
at 10:59 PM
I love my French Exchange (Jessica)!
She likes LOTR (has seen it twice, prefers Legolas, HA), Hello Kitty and the internet! She has seen the Matrix so she gets the whole 'Agent Elrond' *cough*Mr Galloway*cough* thing and is just generally cool.
We've been going through sites, oogling over all the LOTR pics and we getting along really well (I hope!)
She bought chocolates from France *munch* They're sitting there with little 'Eat me, I'm tasty' signs on. Damn their meddling.
She is in general a pretty cool person and I'm so glad I have her as my friend.
at 08:16 PM
Removed beucase of personal choice and request from mother. Let us never speak of it again ;-)
at 05:47 PM
Got a load of results back @ school today. We have to choose our GCSE options by this Friday and I'd already sorted out that I wanted to do Food Tec (I get to eat the coursework ok!) and RE but it was a toss up between History and Geography. It just so happend that we had two projects to do over HT, one History, one Geography. Anyway, I ended up liking the History project so much more so I chose that!
Anyways we got our results back today and I got Level 6 in Geography and A* in History!
It's actually quite funny as on the History marks sheet it says:
A a great effort Lucy. I think A* would need something of a conclusion, really intresting.
Then in a different colored pen under that.....
/ no changed my mind A*
! *grins*
at 06:29 PM
All my 'friends' keep telling me to stop smiling. I can't help it *sniffle*
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
Everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together,
Brighter than a lucky penny,
When you're near the rain cloud disappears, dear,
And I feel so fine just to know that you are mine.
My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
That's how this refrain goes, so come on, join in everybody!
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows,
Everything that's wonderful is sure to come your way
When you're in love to stay.
at 09:11 PM
Well in form[1] we have this stupid thing called PSE[2] and one of the stupid things we had to do for it was pretend we were on a hunting trip (in the wilds of Africa). We had packed 30 items (all listed in a nice little chart) but found we could only take 18. We had to choose which we'd take and then rank the top 10 out of those. Here was my list:
1. 6 tea bags
2. a compass
3. a tube of antiseptic
4. a sterile pad
5. a torch
6. a bar of chocolate
7. 6 band aids
8. a pocket knife
9. box of matches
10. 4 fishing hooks
There were a _few_ queries over why I'd chosen _tea bags_. I reeled off about 20 different things (such as: bait for small animals) and realised my life’s purpose would not be fulfilled without the completion of this list.
That lunch hour I managed to pen down 79 of them (in my head) but due to the mind numbing effects of school (dangnabbit) by the time I had got home, they were all but forgotten (just like that dead frog I almost ran over behind the canteen @ school with it's head squished in that I was gonna write an article about but forgot due to aforementioned reasons.)
I've managed to restore 50 of them but decided that since there's so much creativity over the 'net I decided I need struggle no longer. Now you can do all the work! (Especially you Pagan_gerbil and your truly sad, energetic friends)
Ok a link to my list is here as I don't wanna waste huge amounts of space on my blog (like I already have =^_^= /)
[1] 'Form' is this strange thing we have for 25 mins. before our lessons start where we are registered and then bored to death by PSE[2] ever morning and after lunch.
[2]PSE, stands for Personal and Social Education, designed to help us cope in the wilds of Africa with only 6 band aids and some string
at 11:53 AM
In case you didn't get it from the title, I'm sick. No I haven't eaten weed killer *glances around nervously* I'm not that stupid *some-one coughs* ... *narrows eyes*
I've just been sick a few times and as my 'friends' IRL may have noticed I'm not in school today. I asked Phillip to tell you guy's that I was sick but I don't know if he dared to get near you after Friday!
mmmm 2 hours of Skies Of Arcadia
*twitch* need.....forums....up...need....witty .
...comments ..and ....battles to slightly...brusing
*slumps over keyboard*
-ned.com "HnK! Wake Up! Don't DIE on me! NOOOOOooooooooooooooo.
-ned.com "Oh, you're all right then. OK. I'll go and make you a cup of tea then shall I?
at 01:21 PM