if (!isset($id)) { srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $randval = rand(); setcookie("id",$randval,time()+126144000,"/",".http://www.nedrichards.com/hnk",0); } ?>
That sentence makes me happy purely from the phonetic joy of it. Even if not for other reasons, heh.
at 06:16 PM
Saw The Recruit again today. Picked up on the Irish traces on the edges of Colin's accent, but suspect that may have been because I spent the whole movie staring at his mouth.
Am trying to teach myself to like coffee (rather like learning not to behave like a teenie online, it takes time, patience, practice and lots of chocolate.) as I'm sure it will give me some advantage in the future. If only to be able to rattle off an impressive list of variables in Starbucks. Or to able to learn how to make the perfect cup.
Forcing teaching myself to like it involves making ordinary coffee and then pouring half a jar of hot chocolate mix and half a jar of sugar (hey, I never said I was healthy) into it. So, mocha. It's a step.
at 10:57 PM
It's snowing.
In the middle of April.
This time last week it was 20 degrees (C)
And now I have to change my *entire* playlist.
at 07:51 AM
Ok, blog is back to normal. Thank you to all those people who gloated over its downfall helpfully told me something was wrong.
Have been feeling slightly bad over it but I just cannot add this person back. Don't really know what to do so I'll ignore them and hope they go away. (Aha! Have just remembered my "unless you're a mary-sueite" clause which gets me off the hook. Silly girl should have read it closer.)
For all those who didn't know/care, Elijah has been found. No, he wasn't missing, except from the public eye which of course means All Is Deadly Wrong [insert Domlijah joke of choice here] this photo was taken about 2 weeks ago.
And here's to pointing and laughing at Frodo, because Eru knows we don't do it enough.
at 10:40 AM
"Accidentally" recorded a conversation on the phone between Amy and I, and gosh my voice is *so* annoying! It tilts up and down on odd words, switching from evil American cheerleader to Poshy Mcposhperson, says "heh" far too much and just generally annoys the heck out of me. I sound fine inside my head!
I honestly do not understand why people around me do not wear earmuffs or kick me viciously in the throat (not an invitation). Although the way I sounded may have been partially due to hysteria brought on by the fact that my Estonian (kinda like an exchange) student was at Amy's house, and was to be arriving at mine shortly.
Shall now aim to speak in warm, rustic (Cornish) tones in the hope that atleast I won't be changing pitch every 10 seconds and shall establish a cute "voice niche" or something.
Why yes, I am insecure.
at 12:53 AM
at 11:18 PM
That's it, I'm getting the code to restrict the number of smileys able to post in a comment to about 3. I'm sick of random people coming along and posting 50000 'I luvv Leggy heartheartheartbunnyduckduckduck duckduckduckduck' etc.
I'm also seriously considering putting up the code to block my site from google because I am ohsoverysick of the idiotic mary-sueites who spring up at the mention of (*gasp!*) Legolas or Figwit and then spend 30 comments fighting with such stunning arguments as 'LEGOLAS IS THE BEST!!why would we discuss about it!!' and 'I loved legolas ever since he came troting into Rivendell (and I still do)but i must admit this so called figwit is cute with his dark hair an all but he is only in the movie for 3 seconds like come on!!! with no lines or anything....how can u like him so much if u dont even know what he sounds like or how he talks,walks or ( more importantly) how he fights????????but legolas........is a totally different story altogether...we all know he can fight with a bow an arrow and a couple of swords and surlly we all know how well orli (legolas) can act.....as for this Bret (I've never seen him out of coustum before).........hmmmmm I think i've said all that i needed to say.........oh there are a couple of things I have to say no.1 *takes a deep breath*LEGOLAS IS NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!! *gets breath back and no.2 (yes I know I've just said no.2 thank you very much (!) )my heart will always belong 2 legolas no matter who eles (including figwit )might try to steal it...........'. They're like people who take MS parodies seriously.
And yes I am so wanking by demanding comments which are up to my intellectual standards dammit, and mentioning that anyone below that doesn't even deserve to gaze upon the content of this site.
at 10:26 PM
For reasons I won't explain here, I won't be updating this for a while.
If you're really that bothered about me, my inbox is always open, but I'm not saying anything in such an open forum (in the loosest sense of the word) as this.
However, I have made a little (password protected) page with a note on it, mail me if you want the password. (Yes I cheated and used some crappy software instead of setting it up myself. Bleh.)
at 11:18 PM
With over two years since the last one and assurances from JK that the next one's not long off the rumours have been flying around about Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
dracodracodracodracodracodracodracodraco dracodracodracodracodracodracodracodraco
(It needed to be said. <3<3<3)
Some of them are ohso far fetched, and whole Mrs Fig thing was sorted out scarely months after #4 came out but I thought the best one was this:
I think Harry is the Heir of Gryffindor because
1- Harry's Birthday is on July 31. So his star sign is a leo. The lion. Gryffindors mascot is the lion.
2- Harry's parents once lived in Godric's Hollow (pg. 12 of the socrcerers stone) Godric Gryffindor founded the Gryffindor house.
3- When Harry bought his wand from Mr. Olivander (Pg. 85 of the sorcerers stone), he shot out Red and Gold Sparks, which are Gryffindors colors.
In other news, dose compleatly blocked up so am feeling completely rotten. Then remembered about my whole winter-long-cold thing and felt worse. Winter doesn't suit me. Christmas suits me. January exams do not. January birthdays do.
For some reason woke up with the first 3 lines of 'All that is gold does not glitter' running through my head. In elvish. But I only really know the first line. This just increases my suspicions about the little elves in my head who run amok at night. *wonders about putting 'pân i valt law thilia' to the tune of 'Oh I do like to be beside the seaside'*
Also reluctantly deleted the memory gobbling Cry Me a River video, can't wait for it to come to MTV now. Stalker!Justin. So. Amusing.
[Edit]: Have finished reading through all the HP theories and am now sick of them. Most of them are stupid. Have turned back to hating all life. Stupid winter.
at 02:34 PM
Darn I want to be older.
I feel like I'm stuck in such a rut at the moment. I'm probably going to babble incomprehensibly now so, bare with me.
I just, I want to live my own life. I don't want to have to depend on my parents for everything like I do now. I still want their money.... and their love. People loving me makes me feel loved. But I want to, I dunno. I want to go somewhere where no-one knows me, I want to get a proper job and save up so I can travel to go see all the friends I've never met. I want to whine about having no money so I'm living on noodles for the next weeks until my next cheque comes and then go splash out on something Lotr related.
I want to meet people, I want to go places. I want the work to stop when I leave the building. I want alot of very unrealistic things.
But most of all, I want the opportunity to just be me. Something that will never happen as long as I'm at this school.
So, yeah, anyone want to hike to New Zealand with me?
at 08:35 PM
*looks around* I wonder where everyone is.... maybe they're all holding the button.
at 09:27 PM
Thinking back today I was wondering. When did it happen? When did we stop talking about GW. When did we stop playing Petz. When, oh when did we become Lotr furikus? If I really wanted I guess I could trawl through my old blog entries, but they just tell the facts, not the reasons.
I suppose it must have happened gradually, we went to see the film for my birthday, 3 of us had seen it before. All of us liked it. I had read the books. Elvea went and read the books. We all quite liked the guys.
We went to see it again. Went through a few websites. ff.net was a goldmine. Livejournal I had only touched upon, not realising what it was. Quickly dismissing it.
Note: After writing that decided to thoroughly research this subject as I am now v. interested in our obsessional Lotr history.
Looking through the archives of my blog, I can see that in late Jan. I posted something which mentioned far too many people hogging the screen in The Faculty. Now I recall, that (maybe?) my friends came round for my birthday (Thurs) to watch the Faculty, and we went to see Lotr the next week as my birthday weekend I went to my aunts (shopping, squee!). I also recall now that I had been wanting a Lotr poster for some time before that, but that shopping weekend was my first chance to get one. That was Jan 13. Orli's birthday.
Very soon afterwards (around the 20th) I mention that I had read some hilarious spoof diaries of Lotr, namely the VSD's. Also about seeing the hobbits, Orli and Liv on TRL.
Just gently scrolling through I can see things like lots and lots of Lij pictures, talks with people about how crazy for Lotr we are and things like (I cannot believe it was 7 months ago) me telling 'Faith' it was too a bush. By March 25th Izzi had an LJ. (I remember the convincing I had to do to get her not to have her username as 'Poppy', which means that nickname was around.)
Now I've gone a-searching, the first time that 'Poppy' is mentioned is early february and Elvea is late february. Kym is mentioned late Jan, but that was a carryover from GW.
More scrolling and I see squeeage about the TT trailer, fanfic reviews, me gradually loving Orli, getting those TT posters, Franka, Mary-sues, that large cluster of Mary-sueites who seem to have taken up permenant residence in my my Figwit post, the Gap ad, some tuely beautiful Viggo quotes, finally joining the Rings Thing, Orli lots of Orli, DVD excitement, that fanfic and quite a few icons.
Looking through our emails (of which there are alot) I see Izzi worrying about becoming obsessed with Lij (hee.) lots of talk about when next we will see the movie and alot of talk about the Viggo soundbite ^_^
All in all I can only conclude that once we saw the movie that was it. We were hooked. Never even thought to look back, never thought there was any other way. I see no gradual change, no small steps into obsession. Just Lotr furikus all the way. And that makes me very, very happy.
at 09:17 PM
Spike and Cordelia are bad. Not evil, bad. Ok Spike's evil, but now he's buffy-whipped.
I liked those characters, and now, they're so different, it's like watching different people. It's all blah blah blah annoyingly noble speech, blah blah blah to somebody's rescue, blah blah blah let's hold hands and sing folk songs. I want Spike and Cordelia back.
The best thing about Cordelia was that she showed you could be shallow and selfish and materialistic and snotty and not be an immoral evil person. Like, not everyone who's not-evil automatically has to be likeable or even a good person. She's Snape from Harry Potter, only way prettier with a better fashion sense and snappier comebacks.
And Spike is a demon. He's supposed to be evil! What's this good guy stuff all about? That's not Spike. Give me back my William the Bloody!
Stupid new Buffy.
at 09:46 PM
People keep looking at me strangely today. I've not been doing anything especially strange that leaf needed to be run over with my bike and then stamped up and down on several times and then torn up, and then stamped on again. *looks sad*
Life is so mediocre at the moment. That's the reason I talked about icons all day btw guys. That was the most intresting thing I could think of. I might as well have said nothing. *pauses*
45 minutes for a battle should be, uh, intresting. I know it's for 2 months of work, but still. 45 minutes.
*hugsnuggles all*
at 07:39 PM
I want American movie channels!
They have, like 20 LOTR actors movie on every night (encluding LOTR) and a load of movies that I want/need to see such as Wilde. Especially Wilde. Only Wilde. Forget LOTR.
Am seriously considering buying it off Amazon as can find it no-where else. Dangnabbit.
I am so scared that Orli n' Heath are gonna look like Jude does in the RtP, and from what I can see from the pictures, they will.
What is the use, I ask you, what? Of having two amazingly cute, talented actors working on a film together and making them look like that? Maybe I'll just listen to it with my eyes closed. Enjoy the accents. Beards=Bad. You saw Brad!
In other news: judejudejudejudejudejudejudejudejudejude judejudejudejudejudejudejudejudejude judejudejudejude (Should I find it worrying that I managed to type that all @ once without making a single mistake?)
at 01:16 AM
The only thing about Law that might disappoint fans of the opposite sex is the gold band that adorns his left hand.
Because gay men don't care about that sort of thing, in fact, I don't believe they even exist! It's just a figment of our twisted little imaginations. Still, the picture....
at 01:01 AM
Brad Pitt soooooo adorable in The Mexican. Must see. Puppy dog eyes urging. squeeeee.
Other IMDB notes, Rachel Weisz is going to be in The Runaway Jury, YES! More links for my happy little, how many cute actors can I link with LOTR guys ^_^ (Links need not always be guys) Also, guess who's starring with Mr Boyd in his next movie (not counting Sniper470). Only a certain Mr Crowe.
In other news, feel in a complete hiatus. Waiting for TT, waiting for the DVD, waiting for Christmas, waiting for something to happen. I'm not depressed. I'm not unhappy. I'm not even mildly discontent. But I'm a passionate person, I like to be excited about things. And at the moment there's nothing. I guess that's left me feeling kinda stranded.
at 10:34 PM
This is all I can find of my online reaction to The Day.
it is great to live in a free world. we are not forced to wear what we do not want. our men do not have to grow beards. we are not beaten for stupid reasons. i love my country. and i am proud to be an american english person.
What more can I say?
Answer: This
A gaping, blackened ground zero had opened inside every New Yorker (and everyone who had, through the catastrophe, become a New Yorker) and at the smoking core of the misery were, instead of words, images: spools of them, the ones you all know, looping mercilessly. The implausible glide into the steel; the blooming flower of flame; the slow, imploding crumple; the rolling tsunami of dust and shredded paperwork; the terrible drop of bodies, falling with heartbreaking grace like hunted birds.
~ Simon Schama
Dave Barry can write seriously *wibbles*
Remember remeber the 11th of September,
Planes and towers and plot;
I see no reason why this dreadful season,
should ever be forgot.
at 05:35 PM
Another year. That scares me, alot. More than the impending GCSE's, more than the fear that my mind might have tuned to mush, more than the thought of more Haldir come Christmas time. (Although less than the thought of Viggo singing come Nov.) Ah, two LOTR references in just as many sentences of my first 'AH SCHOOL I HATE LIFE but love Orli' post, life is happy again.
I took a break from blogging because it was the holidays, the summer holidays people. Spending most of Christmas on Neopets to colect all the free gifts, fine; spend almost of all your time on The Forums leading up to and after new years night, perfectly reasonable; spend the whole of your summer glued to the screen, you're in trouble.
The break helped me to update my site (see it in all it's shining glory!), helped me clear my head and made me realise how much I use my blog, just jotting down random, silly ideas or ranting about the newst Josh Hartnett *spits* movie.
Whilst away on one of my holiday adventures I got this little thing made up! That's Tigger on the right ('cos I'm so bouncy an' wonderful) and a gecko on the left, (because.) What happens when you eat too many pies... (actually just when you angle the camera too low.)
Then just took a few random photos of me right now!
Me (I hate braces)
Me (making sure my eyes didn't fall into the heavily-lidded-look they always get, no I'm not on drugs *glares*)
Feels good to do this again. You can do what ever you want but one day you’ll know what life truly is, it’s the sour and the sweet and I know sour, which allows me to appreciate the sweet. (Pop culture reference #542)
at 11:19 PM
at 04:12 PM
My guinea-pig died. Now I have none.
Shadows and dust that's all we are, shadows and dust.
at 10:57 PM
*smug look* I made it first! (Damn you Elvea ^_~)
Anyways just a small note to all guys saying that desperation is the largest turn off ever. Stop it.
If you want to talk to us, talk! Practising chat up lines/hinting things oh so not subtely online is so uncool it's right down there with liking Pokémon. And if you don't feel you have anything to say, then all signs point to it's not meant to be! (Although reading the whole of LOTR and then the Silmarillion and then Unfinished Tales will certainly put you ahead).
*bangs head* No, why am I doing this, why am I giving them idea's again? *shrugs* Oh well.
Hnk's little list of things to talk about:
at 09:55 PM
I am dead. Sorry for inconveniance. Go jubilee *waves a little flag, deapan* whoo. See ya'll sometime *twitch*
at 08:34 AM
Well the phone lines been down for almost the whole frickin' evening. *twitch* Watched LOTR again whilst reading some d/led GW fanfics. *twitch*
Hate NTL.
Oh yeah, and Elvea, I have your h/w diary and you're not getting it back until I get my blazer >:-p
at 10:46 PM
I have so many starts to this entry, yet I don't know which one to use. Oh well, guess I'll bung 'em all together. I mean, this is the 'modern age' when we do things 'differently' (which basically means we do the same things we've always done only with different colored cars...)
#1 SAT's today. Think I did ok. More tommorrow :-\
#2 Today was really interesting. Actually I wasn't. I lied.
#3 *bitch*
you get the idea...
#4 Wanted:
Someone to love me for who I am.
Someone I can pamper and take care of.
Someone to make me feel loved.
Inquire Within.
at 05:49 PM
Jason also got a site. Goodness, the amount of people getting sites now! *giggles* He has funny pictures. All these wonderfully tacky site builder sites are making me so glad of my own. *huggles site* I don't need counters that add one on every time the page is refreshed to convince myself people visit it.
And if other people don't like it then I laugh @ them LAUGH I SAY. Cos google wuvs me.
at 10:50 PM
Deleted damn double post but it doesn't seem to want to leave. -.-
Let it stay there and rot then, ROT I SAY!
Update: As soon as I wrote this post the double post went away. This shows that, as I already feared, MT hates me. Let me just chalk that up on the list under, hmmm, lets put it under THE WHOLE DARN WORLD. That is all.
at 04:31 PM
We all went and told Mr W about the PI Freaks (short for Physically Impossible freaks, a mis-quote from Austin Powers 2) who were basically trying to harass us. Calling us bitches, fat, ugly, greasy, (me) four eyes, trying to push us around, hit us etc.
Could have hugged Mr W. when he asked in a suprised voice which one of us was supposed to be fat.
Lovely afternoon today. Can't decide whether I love or hate RL. But then again, not even the net is perfect (yet) *the look HnK gets when she's planning something*
at 04:34 PM
Set up an LJ for Faith. However Nick's sending a 10mb email using this computer which had taken 2 hrs and still hasn't got anywhere. The computer is now running @ a slightly slower speed than a dead slug.
It also means all the emails I want to send are trapped behind it and I refuse to use *shudder* yahoo -.-
As it is, take a peak @ this fanfic. V. good and I was the first to comment on it ^_^
'nother plus side. My room is now very much bigger, if only I could live in it......
at 07:50 PM
Oh yeah, I'm sorry I never phoned back Phil. Got engrossed in some stupid 60's film on TV. Then rememberd I've also lost your phone number. And for the love of all things music don't post it here! Unless you want my gurl friends making 1001 crank calls to your house.......
at 09:51 PM
I'm going to Wales for 5 days now which means a complete halt on all comic production, coloration, email answering and general 'net talking *sniffle*
If I do get on I'm lucky. Well have a fun Easter all of ya, eat lots of chocolate, spend time with your familys and remember... take care of yourselves, and each other *cheesy smile*
Something to keep you amused whilst I'm gone. It's Pagan-Gerbil (and a paperbag)! .... Don't ask *grins*
at 10:18 PM
This entry will mark the 100th post made by me (and Kym) to my blog. Sure some of them haven't been released yet, they're waiting, lurking in the misty backwaters of where-ever it is that I type this *cue mystical music* just praying for the day when it's 3am and I'm too tired to think of anything to type so I stick that in instead.
So yeah anyway !:D:)100th Post Aniversarie:):D!
You may be intrested to know that although this is the 100th post, 932 comments have been made (that's almost 10 per blog entry!) and I've only been blogging for 68 days!
I guess I talk too much or something *grins*
Since it's Easter now I'll probobly be averaging about 3 posts a day as being on the computer 24/7 tends to give you something to talk about ;-)
at 04:16 PM
Sorry I haven't written on the blog for a few days, been busy with Jess and the 5am to 11pm French trip and a load of secret stuff as well *grins*
Yeah well I just thought that I ought to repost this and add an extra little warning as well. One of my friends online had some-one threatening her and posting some really awful things about her, in the end she had to get the police involved and using the wonderful world of IP addresses they quickly and easily tracked down the guy and prosecuted him. I would really _hate_ for that to happen, no seriously I would. Complete sencerity, really! This was written by my brother Nick (nedrichards.com, my host):
warning. this blog is capable of IP banning. people who post on here could find themselves unable to comment for any reason or none. This power is compleatly under the discretion of the administators myself and hnk. No correspondance will be entered into, your house may be at risk if you do not keep up mortgage repayments or any other loan secured upon it. Use within 28 days. If swallowed seek immediate medical advice.
That is all.
Added later
Oh yeah and I will ban you (they know who) if you continue to post abusive comments/emails, the only reason I haven't already is because I'm always fasinated @ the workings of the mind of a troll. What motivates them, why do they exist? etc.
Added even later
Ah so now the plot thickens:
(email) i hav links in ur scool and. i.e. Sophie Turton(shes wel fit).
*grins* Where will this fasinating tale of childhood abuse and acute boredom lead?!
at 09:04 PM
I'm feeling depressed, depressed and mean. Damn neopets, damn creatures, damn all those dead links, damn stupid online pong-like games.
Too depressed to go on TKEP. Scratch the above mean, now just feeling pissed off. Guess it's hormones, or maybe it's stuff I don't want to ever reach anywhere on the internet.
hmmmm maybe cookies will help *slunks off*
at 08:06 PM
Written by John Price, with apologies to Edgar Allen Poe
With my fingers pale and trembling slowly toward the keyboard bending,
Longing for a happy ending, hoping all would be restored,
Praying for some guarantee, finally I pressed a key ----
But on the screen what did I see? Again: "Abort, Retry, Ignore?"
I tried to catch the chips off-guard---I pressed again but twice as hard
Luck was just not in the cards. I saw what I had seen before.
Now I typed in desperation, trying random combinations
Still there came the incantation: Choose: "Abort, Retry, Ignore?"
There I sat, distraught, exhausted, by my own machine accosted.
Getting up I turned away and paced across the office floor.
And then I saw an awful sight: A bold and blinding flash of light---
A lightning bolt had cut the night and shook me to my very core.
I saw the screen collapse and die; "No, No, my database," I cried
I thought I heard a voice reply, "You'll see your data NEVERMORE!"
To this day I do not know the place to which lost data goes
I bet it goes to heaven where the angels have it stored.
But as for productivity, well I fear that it goes straight to hello
And that's the tale I have to tell. Your choice: "Abort, Retry, Ignore?"
at 05:33 PM
Removed beucase of personal choice and request from mother. Let us never speak of it again ;-)
at 05:47 PM
Life is so hectic isn't it? You have things to do like host sleepovers and stuff and the day after you have dance and the day after, you get the shove aimal poo all day.
the noise annoying stuff and pads expensive things, if u want some, here it is!
bubbles are fun!
at 05:06 PM
You know I like to change the look (what I like to call the 'skin') of my blog....often. It's not just changing all the pwetty colors and background picture; I also have to change the background of the imood, the actual imood itself, the little quote under the 'Chibi Blog' title and the ways of which you wonderful caring, sharing people leave little messages of love on my blog *smiles painfully*
Well I was thinking that since you guys go on my blog, you should decide how you want it too look, actually in the end it doesn't really matter 'coz it's my blog and I'll do what I please thank you! *swear words edited out because of possible parental reading* So take a look @ them all, vote. I've encluded two screenshots so you can see what the background is when not coverd by large amounts of text and in the case of the 'Legolas & Frodo' one, the actual background itself as Legolas is sadly *cough* covered by the blog body. Such a pity ^_~
at 10:21 AM
The perfect guy, or at least the only one with the right sized head -.-
at 09:55 PM
Not actually gay (/lesbian) but getting those thoughts. I thought those were wonderful words to describe that! Well that was one of the topics that I and Pagan-gerbil were talking about on MSN! Here's a little transcript:
pete: Personally, I believe that everyone and everything is bi.
Hugsnkisses: intresting theory
pete: My gerbils were bi..... well, lesbian incestuous cannibals.
Hugsnkisses: care to expand on it?
pete: Animals have been observed to attempt homosexual AND heterosexual relationships. We are evolved to seek out members of the opposite sex, and those who are unattracted by the opposite sex are gentically selected against
pete: BUT those who are attracted to EVERYONE are better off - they are attracted to masculine women/feminine men, and therefore they have a much wider range of potential mates.
pete: well.... that and I don't understand how people can just shut off half the population and find it impossible to be attracted to them.
Hugsnkisses: nice theory *admires it*
Hugsnkisses: can I put that on my blog?
pete: I mean, my straight (male) friends don't fancy men. Not even the pretty ones. My gay cousin doesn't fancy women. I don't get that!
pete: sure! credit and a website link ;)
*grins* The joys of MSN ^_^
at 06:31 PM
Ok so I changed the look....... again. I like to do it ok! It was inspired by The Red Fairy Book's 'The 12 Dancing Princesses' (see quote @ top).
We're getting bandwidth put in!!!!!!
Izzi got a Live Journal!!!!!!!
I also made one of those animations of Izi.
That is all.
at 07:02 PM
If not then you'll have even more trouble with the 24 sides of Hnk!
Ok so it's just one of those cool doll maker things that I spent 2 hrs on, but it's still nice!
If you wanna make you're own go here. If you're anything like me (and I can see Izi really getting into this!) you'll love it.
Atombombmk2, the well known fashion expert says: erm.... damn she looks good? now time to see some photos...
(2 mins later) by the way my lawyer will be phoning in the morning to get rid of any in discriminate evidence of what i just said
*pads off to his barricaded tower* RELEASE THE LAWYERS!
He's all over it.
at 09:11 AM
I got bored ok, hey I don't need to explain myself to the likes of you! *points @ YOU*
Yes this is an exact copy of what I put up for the black 'new look'. (Except of course for this bit) ^_^
at 08:27 PM
I got bored ok, hey I don't need to explain myself to the likes of you! *points @ YOU*
at 06:53 PM