Friday, February 18th, 2005
3 years on LJ.
current mood: Oh something to talk about // current music: Yeah something to talk about
Monday, January 17th, 2005
21:07 - You know you spend too much time on Livejournal when....
| carve "LJ" into your wrist after it goes down for a day.
The real LJ cut, WTF PEOPLE.
Thursday, November 11th, 2004
22:23 - Devil woman gave me diabetes
I just talked to a producer from Scrubs.
I feel that is a fitting way in which I finally write the post admitting that I am a huge Scrubs fan. Seriously, love the show totally and utterly.
Due to the Lotrips influence, I have an awful lot of people on my flist who really like Lost. So every Wednesday I get a large amount of cut-tagged posts saying things like "OMG Lost, can you believe what Dom did with those cheese straws!!" If you're anything like me, you know that there are three really great things about LJ:
1. Boobie pictures. 2. Wank and bitchery. 3. TMI and Spoiler cuts.
I don't follow Lost (although I have most of the episodes downloaded and waiting for a rainy day) and so seeing all these juicy cut tags that mean nothing to me hurts me bad. Every single week. So I've decided to start acting fandomy about Scrubs. I know quite a few of you love Zach Braff and come on, how is Dr Cox part of not only the best slash pairing on TV but the best het one as well.
So, henceforth, will be writing long(ish) discursive posts on everything from the allure of long comedy series' to how the large amount of screen time devoted to Sarah Chalke's breasts has attributed to the success of the show.
(About the Scrubs-producer talking: was tipped off by stepliana that the cell phone number 916-CALL-TURK used in the show was being answered by members of the crew and cast on set. There's only a voice mail message there now, but I've heard of stories from all over about people talking to various actual characters on the show. This is almost as good as I Love Bees.)
Monday, November 8th, 2004
06:47 - happeh birthdeh snackyomg!
( biffdehyey ) BFF, I love you so, so much. I'm having trouble typing anything out now here, there are so many things that I want to say: If I'm scared, you make me feel safe. If I'm unhappy, you always manage to find some way to make me smile. You've never once made me feel bad about being just me or for feeling what I'm feeling.
I hope you have a wonderful birthday today - and although it'll probably work better on tehsekritjournalsomg, that the flist graphic spamming makes you smile a little. I'm so glad that you're in my life right now, trouble is you have to stick around, no one else knows how to deal with my neuroses like you do. Sorry!
eta: best response to this graphic has to be on cleolinda's journal, where random people are chiming in with "I don't know who she is, but happy birthday anyway!" wtf:D
Saturday, November 6th, 2004
12:19 - Can't you see it's killing me // I'm my own worst enemy // Knock me down I'll keep on moving
I always feel you've never had a good time unless you're left feeling slightly guilty afterwards.
(// It's the art of losing)
current mood: amused
Thursday, October 28th, 2004
09:20 - >:-O *BALEETS*
Did I forget to mention that clause wherein my hatred of stupid quizilla memes dissapears when it's something that involves me or something I own (such as a kitten)? Well, there is one.
I managed to get this result not only when I was trying to get myself the first time, but when I went back and filled it in honestly the second time. As snellios (annoyingly) says: I WIN. AT LIFE. ( Read more... )
Thursday, October 21st, 2004
Fandom Wank mods put the community posts on moderation status due to a violent spate of trolling. People are wary of the mods since the deletion of the community three months previous.
Hilarity ensues.
Friday, October 8th, 2004
00:01 - delectably mouthy
hinky: being a girl really sucks sometimes hinky: I know you understand, sep. crantz: oh go bleed
Wednesday, September 29th, 2004
18:48 - or as _peapod stole to put in her LJ name: IRRATIONAL NONSENSICLE HATEZORING
[insert random cryptic whiny mixed-up feelings of isolation, crowding, too much/too little, how much can you change before you're not yourself, when-you're-happy-things-can-only-go-down, going through cycles (especially when you know better little hinks) and uncertainty]
So, yeah, am feeling normal.
In other news, you must read this gorgeous little thing by luleh. She is the Queen of crack and we <33 her for it.
sekrit message to lokifin omg, here you go :)
current music: MAROON 5 R ROCKSTAROMG
Tuesday, September 21st, 2004
07:05 - sekrit message to bff: stop it w/ the ponies omg!
Have spent the past 5 days downloading the whole of the Harry Potter audio books, read by Stephen Fry. They're really marvellously good. Not good enough for me to want to pay £220 for, but yanno, still pretty darn good. The only trouble is that they're 2 gigs, and comprise a third of my mp3 collection. This means when I set iTunes to "random", pretty much every third "song" is a snippet of Harry Potter. It's not a terribly bad thing, I do have the urge to put the entire HP collection on random and listen to all the books "alternatively". Hey, I'm a wild kid.
eta: one of the chapter is labeled "Gryphindor Vs Ravenclaw". Uh.
Also, restriction is a hor who needs to stop rubbing "it was 5 degrees there yesterday? huh, here in balmy australia I'm just going bikini buying" in my face. Damn that bitch plz adopt meee.
And ipso_facto, pink lacy ones. *stalks u mor*