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Extreamly long survey thingy! [20 Feb 2002|02:28pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | LOTR - Aniron ]

Borrowed this from iris269, who borrowed it from some-one else, who bought it from an old man named Chuck half way across the atlantic.

Full Name: HnK ^_^
Age: 14
Sex: kick @ss gurl
Birthday: January 10
Where do you live: London Subs
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn.... I think, I'm not big on star signs
What school do you go to: A bad one
What is your mascot: fuzzles!
What are your school colors: Puke green @.@
Where were you born: Truro (Cornwall)
What hospital: o.0
What are your hobbies: well, I like to eat... and breath *smiles brightly*
Hair color: light brown?
Ever dyed your hair: no *hangs head*
What color: did you hear me the 1st time?
Hair length: v. short!
Eye color: bright blue
Height: 4'7?
Have any pets: 2 g-pigs, I want a kitty T.T
Siblings: 2, sister and brother -.-
What do you fear most in the world: I FEAR NOTHING, 'cept maybe melted cheese *shudders*
Do you have braces: yes -.-
Do you have glasses: yes, getting contacts _soon_ -.-
Shoe size: geh?
Car: Anything with a cute guy in it XD
Color: Pink!!!!!!!!
Holiday: Christmas!
Season: mid summer, when you can lie out on the grass in the dusk and feel so happy you want to cry
Actress: hate 'em all
Actor: Elijah Wood!
T.V. show: Buffy ^_^
Food: mmm chocolate
Drink: cherry cola XD
Band: Weezer, 'coz weezer are cool
Word: fuckin' monged, or ickle, take your pick ^_^
Brand of shoes: o.0
Radio station: XFM rulz!!!!
Room in your house: I have a house? where?
Concert you have been to: haven't been to any n.n
CD: anything with weezer on it XD
Pizza Topping: mmm cheese
State: I dun care =b! England is better than the US, cause Britts are hot XD!
City: o.0
Vacation spot: Japan
Cereal: toast -.-
Ice cream flavor: anything with chocolate and cookie
Video game: Skies Of Arcadia or Sonic
*~*~This or That~*~*
Red or Blue: Red
Pretzels or Potato Chips: Potato Chips
Jeans or Khakis: Jeans
Comedy or Drama: Comedy
Computer or TV: Computer, no contest
Gold or Silver: white gold ^_^
Breakfast or Dinner: Dinner
Day or Night: Night
Radio or Cd's: CD
Internet or Phone: I'm not even going to dignify that with an answer (Internet, duh) doh!
Happy or sad: happy ^_^
Summer or winter: Summer
Car or truck: Truck, Truck! Truck = satan on wheels!
Dog or cat: =^"^= /
Walk or run: walk
Sunny or cloudy: Sunny
Mcdonalds or Burger king: Micky D's
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Coke or pepsi: Coke
Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper: Mr. what now?
White chocolate or normal chocolate: White
Britney or Christina: They should both die a long and painful death
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Cold or hot: Hot
Pen or pencil: pencil
Candle or insence: candles
Blonde or brunette: Brunette
Shower or bath: either. as long as im clean O_o;.
Purfume or Body spray: body spray
Wal-mart or target: English shops -.-
American Eagle or Abercrombie: o.0
Hamburgers or hotdogs: Hotdogs
Pop tart or toaster strudels: Pop tart
Chicken or turkey: either.
Shorts or pants: Pants
Mandy moore or Jessica simpson: See Britney or Christina answer
Markers or colored pencils: they both hate me T-T;!
Nike or Adidas: o.0
Orange or grape: grape, they explode in the microwave *blond smile*
Lime or lemon: lemon, I'm sour ^_^
Truth or dare: *eeps and looks shifty
Letterman or leno: o.0
SNL or mad tv: o.0
Drummers or guitar players: Drummers
*~*~Love life~*~*
Do you have a crush: manymanymany
What's his or her name: EJW is one, you ain't knowing the rest ^_^
How old are they: *blink*
Do you think there is a person for everyone: Yup
If yes, do you know who yours is: EJW *melts*
Have you ever been in love: all the freaking time X_x
Do you have a b/f or g/f: ummm *looks shifty*
Do you want one: If the right guy came along
First grade teacher's name: Miss....what? That's what we called her!
Last word you said: Awww crap, not more questions!
Last song you sang: Weezer: Across The Sea
Last meal you ate: pop tart
Favorite childhood cartoon: Sonic!
What did you hate most about school: did?
Last person you flipped off: Faith, for being such a selfish bitch
Last song stuck in your head: Weezer: Across The Sea (why'd you think I was singing it?)
Last time you bled: Today, period @.@
What's in your CD player: I don't have one *sniffle*
computer cd player: Creatures CD
What color sox are you wearing: pink fwuffy slippers
What's under your bed: *looks shifty* I don't think I wanna talk about that o.O
What's the weather like: ok
What time did you wake up today: 8 am
Who do you want to marry: Elijah (let me dream!)
Are you going to college: *shrugs* I'll see
If so, how long do you want to go: *shrugs again*
Where do you want to go: Kings, London
What is your career going to be: Lawyer
Where are you going to live: My evil fortress of doom! XD
How many kids do you want: 3, kids = evil
Where do you want your honeymoon: honeymoon o.O?
What kind of car will you have: a spiffy cool one.
What kind of house will you have: EVIL FORTRESS OF DOOM, how many times do i have to tell you people
*~*~Have you ever~*~*
Smoked: nope
Been Drunk: nope
Been high: nope
Done drugs: nope
Skinny dipped: *looks shifty*
Partied until the sun came up: *grins*
Stole: yup!
Stayed up all night on the internet: Like, every night!
Met someone off the internet (in person): no,but I'm gonna ^_^
Cried over a guy/girl: nope
Been in a fist fight: *shrugs*
Been in a cat fight: Yup
Wanted to kill someone: all the freaking time.
Fell off a chair: Yes o.O
Do you like your handwriting: hand....writing? all I know is this typing thingy
Do you have any piercings: no x.X
Any tattoos: no
Are you picky: mmmhm.
What do you think of Eminem: Kinda odd O_o;.
Do you like cartoons: *chants* anime, anime, anime
Got milk: o.0
Do you have a magic 8 ball: no!
Ever worn black nail polish: yeah
Do you believe in fate: *shrugs*
Do you see dead people: teachers, 'nuff said -.-
Are you a good speller: nou.
What is your last name backwards?: sessiknsguh, scary, or illegal?: Funny XD!
Florida or California? Florida
Sprite or 7-UP? Sprite
Savage Garden or BB Mak? Both sh*t
Geography or Math? ug x_X
Baseball or Basketball? ^^^
Sun or Moon? Moon
Christmas or Your Birthday? Birthday
Blue or Purple? Purple
Creed or Blink-182? Blink 182
Gelly Roll pens or Milky Pens? Gel
Gap or Limited? So Gap of Rohan!
Bath & Body Works or The Body Shop? Bath and Body works
Middle School or High School? school = evil.
Blue eyes or Brown eyes? Blue eyes, like Elijahs *melts*
Gelled hair or un-gelled hair (for guys)? o.O
Nintendo 64 or Playstation? N64
Bikinis or Tankinis? Bikinis ^_^
What do you think of the person who sent this: I found it....... -.-

3 thoughts| Flowers Eaten

[20 Feb 2002|02:52pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Jimmy Eat World - The Middle ]

The 24 Sides Of HnK ^_^

Isn't it cool!

=^"^= / Hugs*n*kisses
8 thoughts| Flowers Eaten

[ viewing | February 20th, 2002 ]
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