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=^"^= /'s LiveJournal Day [entries|friends|calendar]
=^"^= /

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*waves to all* [18 Feb 2002|08:26am]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | Lion King II: We are One ]

Cool, I like LJ! I think that little sheep is just the cutest, don't you?

This isn't a substitute (as if!) or replacement for my blog *gives chibi blog a huggle* just a fun place for generally random stuff or things that wouldn't fit in with my blog image.

Did you see the cute kittys? Did ya, did ya?

=^"^= / Hugs*n*kisses
7 thoughts| Flowers Eaten

Eggs for all! [18 Feb 2002|03:55pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | SClub7: Never had a dream come true ]

Went and got one of those cute little tacky eggs *smiles* bless.

2 thoughts| Flowers Eaten

[ viewing | February 18th, 2002 ]
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