The Wayback Machine -

Monday, 01.12.04
subject: i saw "horwood" on a truck this morning.

Oh! Now I'm up for [info]lotr_deathmatch. Apparently my nemesis ([info]novanumbernine) is loved because she writes fic. I can write you fic!

A drabble of sixty three words, or:
in which little is said but insert tab a into slot b etc. and vote for hnk!

billy, said dom.

yes dom, said billy.

billy, dom said again.

what dom, said billy.

i think we should have hot gay sexing together, said dom.

aren't i straight, said billy.

angst! said dom, no.

oh, ok then, said billy.

and they had lots of hot gay sex.

ps. sean was given an oscar by pr for keeping elijah locked in his basement.

57 hugsnuggles × wuv?

Monday, 01.05.04
subject: omgconfusing.

Attention [info]gobsmacked, [info]hobbitgal, [info]iamtheenemy, [info]kay_elf and [info]morganmuffle. I notice that you all seem to have friended [info]hugsnkisses. That is not me.

I realise that some of you will not see this, as you do not have me, [info]hugsnkisses_ friended, but instead that hor who got the proper Hnk LJ and then abandoned it.

I am also aware that most of you have this LJ friended, you may want to defriend [info]hugsnkisses. However, if you are friends with any of the above people (except that hor [info]hugsnkisses) please point them towards this post.


7 hugsnuggles × wuv?

Thursday, 01.01.04
subject: fanDOM.

Happy new year!


Am apparently a BNF twice over. Go me. I have a feeling that would work out so much better if I didn't hate every one. (I don't rilly omg, i luff! <123)

Anyway, vote for me or I'll.. um, continue to contribute nothing worthwhile to fandom.

Don't see why 2004 should be better than 2003, I refuse to do that meme although some of my top moments would be meeting quite a few of you! One thing which I think has really changed my life for the better is the changing of this: o0hugsnkisses0o to this: [info]hugsnkisses_ that's really enriched me.


3 hugsnuggles × wuv?

Saturday, 12.13.03
subject: What do we want...?

mood: PIEtastic.


11 hugsnuggles × wuv?

Friday, 10.31.03

orli's about to be on graham norton.


6 hugsnuggles × wuv?

Wednesday, 09.17.03
subject: FLUFFEH!

David Blaine Revealed As Cheat! Mass shock!

Thanks to [info]marysiak for that :)

Here's Teh Fluffeh Bunneh O Doom for those who haven't seen it before.

8 hugsnuggles × wuv?

Saturday, 09.06.03
subject: Kurty Loaf!

mood: Kurty
I adore the kitteh loaves, this one is definitely the best. (OMGKURT!)

The Kurty Loaf shall
Long live Kurty Loaf!

5 hugsnuggles × wuv?

Wednesday, 08.27.03
subject: The LJ Times.

mood: busy
Blogger likes to code.

Blogger decides to replace the news feeds on the Washington Post with LJ ones.

Blogger mocks up a news site and populates it entirely with LJ feeds, updating every half hour.

The LJ Times is born.

1 hugsnuggles × wuv?

< bounce back
get up and give someone some love

× calendar
× friends
× icons
× info

EMAIL hnk at hugsnuggles dot com
AIM snug meh!

NAME Hugskisses

FOOD pasties
DRINK appletiser
COLOUR purple
ANIME gundam wing, cowboy bebop, sailor moon ^_^;;
MOVIE lotr: fotr, lotr: ttt, fight club, wilde, tigerland
SITE penny arcade, mefi
PEOPLE colin farrell, entire cast of LOTR, pretty boys in general
BOOK constantly changing

HOBBIES reading, writing, videogames
FICS run. Don't walk. Read this, read it NOW.

weezer, new pornogrophers, the thrills, dust brothers, venus hum, play, lovin' spoonfulls

It's a world of laughter
A world of tears
It's a world of hopes
And a world of fears
There's so much that we share
That it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all

There is just one moon
And one golden sun
And a smile means
Friendship to every one
Though the mountains divide
And the oceans are wide
It's a small world after all

It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small, small world

× O × small world disney

Twinkly Carebear! I love Nano! Lolly Puddy cat