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1 year, and 100 friends [19 Feb 2003|10:15am]
Accidently missed my One Year On Livejournal, which was Monday. But now is also a good time to celebrate with userinfosorcha being the 100th person to friend me back. (The 9 others on my friends list being BNFs, communities and Ben who only got an LJ yesterday and is still working out how to do eveything).

A year on LJ. I would waffle on in a charmingly reminiscent manner about how I got my LJ (I wanted to look respectable when posting on Cassieclaires LJ), major moments in it's life (realizing just how cool it was to be able to interact in a way you can't with blogs, joining Fandom_Wank, having 100 friends) and still stating the purpose that it is my blog first and formost and always will be, but that would be boring, so I won't.

I haven't been a good LJ friend, I have a fear of rejection so I don't post comments that much (although I read every single post. Hey I need a way to slowly kill all the hours in my life!), I post on my blog so updates here are sporadic and usually uninformative and I belong (it 0wnz me) to Fandom_wank so the more.... opinionated of my friends can fall under it's mocking, leaving me on the sideline going: :-\

But I love my LJ, and I love my friends, and I love all the things I've been able to do with both. And when the Rotk premier comes around, I will meet some of you dangnabbit!

I am Jills t00b brain.
34 thoughts| Flowers Eaten

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